Annuaire > LE DREAU Jérôme

  • Université de La Rochelle
  • Section de Recherche : CNU 62
  • Département scientifique CNRS : INSIS.
  • Domaines d’expertise :

    • Flexibilité énergétique, gestion active de la demande, interactions bâtiments-réseaux, smart-grid
    • Conception de bâtiments à énergie positive (net ZEB, BEPOS)
    • Façades adaptatives et actives
    • CVC : systèmes de chauffage et refroidissement basse température, technologies passives, ventilation naturelle
    • Confort thermique

    Méthodes :

    • Simulations
      • Modélisations à l’échelle quartier ("bottom-up") incluant les occupants
      • Méthodes de modélisation des transferts thermiques
    • Métrologie des enveloppes/bâtiments
    • Méthodes d’identification de propriétés thermiques à échelle 1

    Enseignements :

    • Thermique/énergétique du bâtiment, pilotage
    • Impacts environnementaux
    • BIM : modélisation et utilisation de maquettes

    Publications :

    57 résultats


    Article dans une revue

    Development of a GHG-based control strategy for a fleet of hybrid heat pumps to decarbonize space heating and domestic hot water
    Marianne Biéron , Jérôme Le Dréau , Benjamin Haas
    Applied Energy, 2025, 378, pp.124751. ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.124751⟩


    Article dans une revue

    Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Estimation of Thermal Properties in Insulated Building Walls
    Manon Rendu , Jérôme Le Dréau , Patrick Salagnac , Maxime Doya
    Buildings, 2024, 14 (12), pp.3706. ⟨10.3390/buildings14123706⟩


    Article dans une revue

    Developing energy flexibility in clusters of buildings: A critical analysis of barriers from planning to operation
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Rui Amaral Lopes , Sarah O'Connell , Donal Finn , Maomao Hu , Humberto Queiroz , Dani Alexander , Andrew Satchwell , Doris Österreicher , Ben Polly , Alessia Arteconi , Flavia de Andrade Pereira , Monika Hall , Tuğçin Kırant-Mitić , Hanmin Cai , Hicham Johra , Hussain Kazmi , Rongling Li , Aaron Liu , Lorenzo Nespoli , Muhammad Hafeez Saeed
    Energy and Buildings, 2023, 300, pp.113608. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113608⟩
    A novel multicriteria methodology to assess the renovation of social buildings
    Ivan Flores-Abascal , Pablo Hernandez-Cruz , Moises Odriozola-Maritorena , Manuela Almeida , Bruna Onety , Jérôme Nicolle , Francis Allard , Jérôme Le Dréau , Emilio Suárez
    Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 77, pp.107505. ⟨10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107505⟩
    Data-driven key performance indicators and datasets for building energy flexibility: A review and perspectives
    Han Li , Hicham Johra , Flavia de Andrade Pereira , Tianzhen Hong , Jérôme Le Dréau , Anthony Maturo , Mingjun Wei , Yapan Liu , Ali Saberi-Derakhtenjani , Zoltan Nagy , Anna Marszal-Pomianowska , Donal Finn , Shohei Miyata , Kathryn Kaspar , Kingsley Nweye , Zheng O'Neill , Fabiano Pallonetto , Bing Dong
    Applied Energy, 2023, 343, pp.121217. ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.121217⟩
    Assessment of the marginal technologies reacting to demand response events: A French case-study
    M. Biéron , Jérôme Le Dréau , B. Haas
    Energy, 2023, 275, pp.127415. ⟨10.1016/⟩

    Communication dans un congrès

    Deep learning-based short-term energy forecasts for baselines and flexibility in residential buildings
    Abdo A. A. Gassar , Jérôme Le Dréau
    International Conference of IBPSA, Sep 2023, Shanghai (Chine), China
    What Metrics Does the Building Energy Performance Community Use to Compare Dynamic Models?
    Hicham Johra , Markus Schaffer , Gaurav Chaudhary , Hussain Syed Kazmi , Jérôme Le Dréau , Steffen Petersen
    International Conference of IBPSA, Sep 2023, Shanghai (Chine), China
    Designing renewable energy production at district scale: a sensitivity analysis
    Stéphane Pawlak , Jérôme Le Dréau , Christian Inard , Aymeric Novel
    International Conference of IBPSA, Sep 2023, Shanghai (Chine), China. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2023.1626⟩
    A serious game for the low-carbon transition: local energy community framework
    Nina Colin , Jérôme Le Dréau
    54th edition of the International Simulation and Gaming Conference (ISAGA), Jul 2023, La Rochelle, France
    Thermal alliesthesia under whole-body cyclical conditions
    Marika Vellei , Jérôme Le Dréau , Jérôme Nicolle , Manon Rendu
    18th Healthy Buildings Europe Conference, Jun 2023, Aachen, Germany
    Thermal alliesthesia under whole-body step-change transients
    Marika Vellei , Richard de Dear , Jérôme Le Dréau , Jérôme Nicolle
    The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC2023), May 2023, Tokyo, Japan. pp.01003, ⟨10.1051/e3sconf/202339601003⟩


    Article dans une revue

    Understanding patterns of thermostat overrides after demand response events
    Valentina Tomat , Marika Vellei , Alfonso Ramallo-González , Aurora González-Vidal , Jérôme Le Dréau , Antonio Skarmeta-Gómez
    Energy and Buildings, 2022, 271, pp.112312. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112312⟩
    Ten questions concerning energy flexibility in buildings
    Rongling Li , Andrew Satchwell , Donal Finn , Toke Haunstrup Christensen , Michaël Kummert , Jérôme Le Dréau , Rui Amaral Lopes , Henrik Madsen , Jaume Salom , Gregor Henze , Kim Wittchen
    Building and Environment, 2022, 223, pp.109461. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109461⟩
    Dynamic thermal perception under whole-body cyclical conditions: Thermal overshoot and thermal habituation
    Marika Vellei , Richard de Dear , Jérôme Le Dréau , Jérôme Nicolle , Manon Rendu , Marc Abadie , Ghislain Michaux , Maxime Doya
    Building and Environment, 2022, 226, pp.109677. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109677⟩


    Article dans une revue

    Demand-side flexibility in a residential district: What are the main sources of uncertainty?
    S. Martinez , M. Vellei , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Energy and Buildings, 2021, pp.111595. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111595⟩
    Some evidence of a time-varying thermal perception
    Marika Vellei , William O’brien , Simon Martinez , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Indoor and Built Environment, 2021, pp.1420326X2110345. ⟨10.1177/1420326X211034563⟩
    Agent-based stochastic model of thermostat adjustments: A demand response application
    Marika Vellei , Simon Martinez , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Energy and Buildings, 2021, 238, pp.110846. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.110846⟩

    Communication dans un congrès

    Control of a state-wide pool of hybrid heating systems to decrease the GHG emissions of heating
    Marianne Biéron , Jérôme Le Dréau , Benjamin Haas
    Building Simulation 2021, Sep 2021, Bruges, Belgium


    Article dans une revue

    Operation of power distribution networks with new and flexible loads: A case of existing residential low voltage network
    Anna Marszal-Pomianowska , Joakim Widén , Jérôme Le Dréau , Per Heiselberg , Birgitte Bak-Jensen , Iker Diaz de Cerio Mendaza
    Energy, 2020, 202, pp.117715. ⟨10.1016/⟩
    Predicting the demand flexibility of wet appliances at national level: The case of France
    Marika Vellei , Jérôme Le Dréau , Seddik Yassine Abdelouadoud
    Energy and Buildings, 2020, 214, pp.109900. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109900⟩
    Computational analysis of energy and cost efficient retrofitting measures for the French house
    Ehab Foda , Ashraf El-Hamalawi , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Building and Environment, 2020, 175, pp.106792. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106792⟩

    Communication dans un congrès

    Peut-on éviter des émissions de CO2 en pilotant l'appoint gaz de pompes à chaleur hybrides ?
    Marianne Biéron , Jérôme Le Dréau , Benjamin Haas
    Conférence IBPSA France (Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association), Nov 2020, Reims, France
    Pilotage du levier de flexibilité a l’échelle du quartier - analyse de sensibilité
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Marika Vellei , Simon Martinez
    Conférence IBPSA France, Nov 2020, Reims, France
    A parametric analysis of a double-skin façade for a building in oceanic climate
    Suelen Gasparin , Jérôme Le Dréau , Patrick Salagnac
    Conférence IBPSA France (Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association), Nov 2020, Reims, France
    Estimation of Global Thermal Performances of a Facade Under Real Climate
    Manon Rendu , Jérôme Le Dréau , Maxime Doya , Patrick Salagnac
    Building Simulation and Optimization 2020, Sep 2020, Loughborough, United Kingdom
    On the influence of occupants on the energy flexibility of buildings: a sensitivity study at district scale
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Marika Vellei , Simon Martinez
    Building Simulation and Optimization 2020, Sep 2020, Loughborough, United Kingdom
    SMART-RENO-IEQ: Evaluation of energy retrofits impacts on indoor thermal and air quality of single-family houses
    Marc Olivier Abadie , Charles‐florian Picard , Jérôme Le Dréau , Karim Limam , Jérôme Nicolle , Adrien Dhalluin , Kátia Cordeiro Mendonça , Florian Battezzati , Bénédicte Wall-Ribot
    The 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (Indoor Air 2020), Jul 2020, Virtual conference, South Korea
    Identifiabilité des performances thermiques d’une façade-test soumise à des conditions climatiques réelles
    Manon Rendu , Jérôme Le Dréau , Dylan Lesueur , Maxime Doya , Patrick Salagnac
    Congrès français de thermique (SFT), Jun 2020, Belfort, France. ⟨10.25855/SFT2020-033⟩
    On the prediction of dynamic thermal comfort under uniform environments
    Marika Vellei , Jérôme Le Dréau
    11th Windsor Conference 2020, Apr 2020, Windsor, United Kingdom. pp.424-439
    A sensitivity analysis of a double-skin façade for a building located in La Rochelle
    Suelen Gasparin , Jérôme Le Dréau , Patrick Salagnac
    IBPSA France, 2020, Reims, France


    Article dans une revue

    A novel model for evaluating dynamic thermal comfort under demand response events
    Marika Vellei , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Building and Environment, 2019, pp.106215. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106215⟩
    Influence of envelope, structural thermal mass and indoor content on the building heating energy flexibility
    Hicham Johra , Per Heiselberg , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Energy and Buildings, 2019, 183, pp.325 - 339. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.11.012⟩

    Communication dans un congrès

    Upscaling the flexibility potential of space heating in single-family houses
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Ilyasse Mellas , Marika Vellei , Johann Meulemans
    CISBAT 2019, Climate Resilient Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era, Sep 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012071⟩
    Evaluating Dynamic Thermal Comfort under Demand Response Events: a Novel Model Compared against Fanger's PPD Model
    Marika Vellei , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Building Simulation 2019, 16th IBPSA international conference, Sep 2019, Roma, Italy. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2019.210440⟩
    Parametric Study of the Thermal Performance of a Single-family House Equipped with an Airflow Window integrating a Heated Glazing
    Madi Kaboré , Ghislain Michaux , Jérôme Le Dréau , Patrick Salagnac , Rémy Greffet
    Building Simulation 2019, 16th IBPSA international conference, Sep 2019, Roma, Italy. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2019.211049⟩
    A Bottom-Up Model to Evaluate the Flexibility of French Residential Wet Appliances
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Marika Vellei , Yassine Abdelouadoud
    Building Simulation 2019, 16th IBPSA international conference, Sep 2019, Roma, Italy. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2019.210441⟩
    Comparison of models to identify thermal characteristics of multi-layer building walls using inverse methods
    Manon Rendu , Jérôme Le Dréau , Patrick Salagnac , Maxime Doya , Mathilde Colmet-Daage
    Building Simulation 2019, 16th IBPSA international conference, Sep 2019, Roma, Italy. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2019.211229⟩
    Evaluation des performances thermo-aérauliques d’un bâtiment en climat tropical par simulation numérique : Cas de la Guinée Conakry
    Mamadou Aliou Ii Diallo , Jérôme Le Dréau , Patrick Salagnac , Mamby Keita
    Congrès français de thermique (SFT), Jun 2019, Nantes, France


    Article dans une revue

    BIM et conception intégrée - Interopérabilité et optimisation de la performance environnementale.
    Emmanuel Bozonnet , Cécile Jolas , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Les Techniques de l'Ingenieur, 2018

    Communication dans un congrès

    Characterisation of the flexibility potential from space heating in French residential buildings
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Johann Meulemans
    7th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2018, 2018, Syracuse, United States
    Etude paramétrique des performances thermiques d’une maison individuelle équipée d’une fenêtre pariétodynamique intégrant un vitrage chauffant
    Madi Kaboré , Ghislain Michaux , Patrick Salagnac , Jérôme Le Dréau , Rémy Greffet
    IBPSA France, 2018, Bordeaux, France
    Etat de l'art des méthodes inverses appliquées à la caractérisation thermique des parois
    Manon Rendu , Jérôme Le Dréau , Patrick Salagnac , Maxime Doya
    Journée thématique SFT, 2018, Paris, France
    Etude paramétrique d’une fenêtre pariéto-dynamique intégrant un vitrage chauffant
    Madi Kaboré , Ghislain Michaux , Rémy Greffet , Patrick Salagnac , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Société Française de Thermique, 2018, Pau, France


    Communication dans un congrès

    Simple flexibility factor to facilitate the design of energy-flex-buildings
    Anna Joanna , Jakob Stoustrup , Joakim Widén , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Building Simulation 2017, 2017, San Francisco, United States


    Article dans une revue

    Energy flexibility of residential buildings using short term heat storage in the thermal mass
    Jérôme Le Dréau , P. Heiselberg
    Energy, 2016, 111, pp.991-1002. ⟨10.1016/⟩

    Communication dans un congrès

    Demand-Side Management of the Heating Need in Residential buildings
    Jérôme Le Dréau
    CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress, 2016, Aalborg, Denmark


    Article dans une revue

    Radiation exchange between persons and surfaces for building energy simulations
    Mette Havgaard Vorre , Rasmus Lund Jensen , Jérôme Le Dréau
    Energy and Buildings, 2015, 101, pp.110-121. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.05.005⟩
    A full-scale experimental set-up for assessing the energy performance of radiant wall and active chilled beam for cooling buildings
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Per Heiselberg , Rasmus Lund Jensen
    Building Simulation, 2015, 8 (1), pp.39-50. ⟨10.1007/s12273-014-0190-7⟩

    Communication dans un congrès

    Thermal Behaviour of a Gypsum Fibre Board Associated with Rigid Polyurethane Foam Under Standard Fire Conditions
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Rasmus Lund Jensen , Klaus Kolding
    6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015, Jun 2015, Turin, Italy. pp.2736-2741


    Article dans une revue

    Sensitivity analysis of the thermal performance of radiant and convective terminals for cooling buildings
    Jérôme Le Dréau , P. Heiselberg
    Energy and Buildings, 2014, 82, pp.482-491. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.07.002⟩
    Experimental investigation of the influence of the air jet trajectory on convective heat transfer in buildings equipped with air-based and radiant cooling systems
    Jérôme Le Dréau , P. Heiselberg , R.L. Jensen
    Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2014, 8 (5), pp.312-325. ⟨10.1080/19401493.2014.938121⟩


    Article dans une revue

    Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer during night cooling with different ventilation systems and surface emissivities
    Jérôme Le Dréau , P. Heiselberg , R.L. Jensen
    Energy and Buildings, 2013, 61, pp.308-317. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.02.021⟩

    Communication dans un congrès

    Modelling The Energy Performance Of Night-Time Ventilation Using The Quasi-Steady state Calculation Method
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Per Heiselberg , Rasmus Lund Jensen
    13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, IBPSA, 2013, Chambéry, France


    Communication dans un congrès

    Comparison of the Thermal Performance of Radiative and Convective Terminals: A Conceptual Approach
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Per Heiselberg
    PLEA 2012 Lima Peru-Opportunities, Limits & Needs, 2012, Lima, Peru


    Communication dans un congrès

    Potential Use of Radiant Walls to Transfer Energy Between two Building Zones
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Per Heiselberg
    Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011, 2011, Shanghai, China
    Experimental investigation of the influence of different flooring emissivity on night-time cooling using displacement ventilation
    Jérôme Le Dréau , Rasmus Lund Jensen
    The 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2011), 2011, Tampere, Finland