Annuaire > INARD Christian

Université de La Rochelle
Section de Recherche : CNU 60
Département scientifique CNRS : INSIS.
Principales responsabilités :

 Vice-Président Recherche de La Rochelle Université
 Directeur-adjoint Institut de Recherche en Sciences et techniques de la Ville (IRSTV)

Thermo-aéraulique, bâtiment, qualité des ambiances, micro-climat urbain

Modélisation et expérimentation en thermo-aéraulique du bâtiment, étude du micro-climat urbain, étude de la qualité des ambiances intérieures des bâtiments, gestion optimale des équipements techniques des bâtiments, conception des bâtiments à faible consommation d’énergie.

146 résultats


Communication dans un congrès

Urban & Coastal Lab La Rochelle, une plateforme scientifique de données et modèles pour la recherche interdisciplinaire
Anaïs Schmitt , Robin Quique , Valérie Ballu , Yacine Ghamri-Doudane , Cyril Faucher , Christian Inard , Jean-Marc Wallet
Atelier SOSEM, PFIA, Jul 2024, La Rochelle, France


Article dans une revue

A state-space model to control an adaptive facade prototype using data-driven techniques
Ainagul Jumabekova , Julien Berger , Tessa Hubert , Antoine Dugué , Tingting Vogt Wu , Thomas Recht , Christian Inard
Energy and Buildings, 2023, 296, pp.113391. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113391⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Designing renewable energy production at district scale: a sensitivity analysis
Stéphane Pawlak , Jérôme Le Dréau , Christian Inard , Aymeric Novel
International Conference of IBPSA, Sep 2023, Shanghai (Chine), China. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2023.1626⟩


Article dans une revue

Multi-agent simulation of collective self-consumption: Impacts of storage systems and large-scale energy exchanges
Jérémy Albouys-Perrois , Nicolas Sabouret , Yvon Haradji , Mathieu Schumann , Benoit Charrier , Quentin Reynaud , François Sempé , Christian Inard
Energy and Buildings, 2022, 254, pp.111543. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111543⟩


Article dans une revue

Dynamic thermal perception: A review and agenda for future experimental research
Marika Vellei , Richard De Dear , Christian Inard , Ollie Jay
Building and Environment, 2021, 205, ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108269⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Multi-Agent based simulation of human activity for building and urban scale assessment of residential load curves and energy use
Mathieu Schumann , Quentin Reynaud , Nicolas Sabouret , François Sempé , Yvon Haradji , Benoit Charrier , Jérémy Albouys , Christian Inard
Building Simulation 2021 Conference, Sep 2021, Bruges, Belgium
Adapting French buildings to future climate: passive design optimisation
Anaïs Machard , Christian Inard , Jean-Marie Alessandrini , Charles Pelé , Jacques Ribéron
Building Simulation 2021, International building performance simulation association (IBPSA), Sep 2021, Bruges, Belgium. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2021.30718⟩


Article dans une revue

A methodology for assembling future weather files including heatwaves for building thermal simulations from the european coordinated regional downscaling experiment (Euro-Cordex) climate data
Anaïs Machard , Christian Inard , Jean-Marie Alessandrini , Charles Pelé , Jacques Ribéron
Energies, 2020, 13 (13), pp.3424. ⟨10.3390/en13133424⟩
A metamodeling method to study the nonlinearity of building thermal behavior
Issa Jaffal , Christian Inard
Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 28, pp.101078. ⟨10.1016/j.jobe.2019.101078⟩
A metamodel for long-term thermal comfort in non-air-conditioned buildings
Issa Jaffal , Christian Inard , Nesreen Ghaddar , Kamel Ghali
Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 2020, pp.1-32. ⟨10.1080/17452007.2020.1719813⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Sensitivity analysis of the input parameters impacting summer thermal discomfort in buildings under future climate in Paris
Anaïs Machard , Christian Inard , Jean-Marie Alessandrini , Charles Pelé , Jacques Ribéron
IBPSA France 2020, IBPSA, Nov 2020, Conférence en ligne, France
How to assess ecodistrict resilience to urban heat stress under future heatwaves? A case study for the city of Paris
Anaïs Machard , Simon Martinez , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Eleonora Lacedra , Christian Inard
iCRBE 2020 - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Climate Resilient Built Environment, Sep 2020, Bali, Indonesia. pp.11-24, ⟨10.32438/iCRBE.202044⟩
L'apport de la modélisation multi-agent dans la prédiction de la consommation d'énergie des bâtiments résidentiels
Quentin Reynaud , Jérémy Albouys , Yvon Haradji , Christian Inard , Nicolas Sabouret , Mathieu Schumann , François Sempé
French Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA-France), 2020, Reims, France


Article dans une revue

Propriétés radiatives des bâtiments pour le rafraîchissement passif
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Maxime Doya , Christian Inard
Les Techniques de l'Ingenieur, 2019, La Construction Responsable
An insight into the thermal behaviour of a building based on a metamodel for cooling energy consumption
Issa Jaffal , Christian Inard
Advances in Building Energy Research, 2019, 25 p. ⟨10.1080/17512549.2019.1625561⟩

Communication dans un congrès

A study of the nonlinearity of a building thermal behavior based on metamodeling
Issa Jaffal , Christian Inard
CLIMA 2019 Congress, Sep 2019, Bucharest, Romania. pp.04039, ⟨10.1051/e3sconf/201911104039⟩
SMACH : Multi-Agent Simulation of Human Activity in Households
Jérémy Albouys , Nicolas Sabouret , Yvon Haradji , Mathieu Schumann , Christian Inard
17th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2019), Jun 2019, Avilà, Spain. pp.227-231, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-24209-1_19⟩
A Co Simulation Of Photovoltaic Power Generation And Human Activity For Smart Building Energy Management And Energy Sharing
Jérémy Albouys-Perrois , Nicolas Sabouret , Yvon Haradji , Mathieu Schumann , Christian Inard
Building Simulation Conference (BS), 2019, Rome, Italy. ⟨10.26868/25222708.2019.210749⟩


Article dans une revue

Fast POD method to evaluate infiltration heat recovery in building walls
Alexandra Tallet , Erwan Liberge , Christian Inard
Building Simulation, 2017, 10 (1), pp.111-121. ⟨10.1007/s12273-016-0306-3⟩


Article dans une revue

Construction cost and energy performance of single family houses: From integrated design to automated optimization
Serge Chardon , Boris Brangeon , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard
Automation in Construction, 2016, 70, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1016/J.AUTCON.2016.06.011⟩
Simulation tools to assess microclimate and building energy – A case study on the design of a new district
Adrien Gros , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard , Marjorie Musy
Energy and Buildings, 2016, 114, pp.112 - 122. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.06.032⟩
Direct and Indirect Impacts of Vegetation on Building Comfort: A Comparative Study of Lawns, Green Walls and Green Roofs
Laurent Malys , Marjorie Musy , Christian Inard
Energies, 2016, 9 (1), ⟨10.3390/en9010032⟩

Communication dans un congrès

A New Performance Indicator to Assess Building and District Cooling Strategies
Adrien Gros , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard , Marjorie Musy
Fourth International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, May 2016, Singapore, Singapore. pp.117-124, ⟨10.1016/j.proeng.2016.10.014⟩
Integrated refurbishment of collective housing and optimization process with real products databases
Boris Brangeon , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard
Building Simulation & Optimization 2016, 2016, Newcastle, United Kingdom. pp.531-538


Article dans une revue

The use of SOLENE-microclimat model to assess adaptation strategies at the district scale
Marjorie Musy , Laurent Malys , Benjamin Morille , Christian Inard
Urban Climate, 2015, 14, pp.213 - 223. ⟨10.1016/j.uclim.2015.07.004⟩
Microclimate and building energy consumption: study of different coupling methods
Marjorie Musy , Laurent Malys , Christian Inard
Advances in Building Energy Research, 2015, 9 (2), pp.151 - 174. ⟨10.1080/17512549.2015.1043643⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Thermoregulatory effect of green spaces and wetlands in Paris
Charles-Edouard Revaud , Jérémy Bernard , Karim Touili , Audrey Salomon , Marie Gantois , Marjorie Musy , Christian Inard
ICUC9 -9 th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12 th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
Assessment of urban cooling strategies impact using a coupled model for urban microclimate and building energy simulation
Adrien Gros , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard , Marjorie Musy , Isabelle Calmet
ICUC9 - 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
A multi objective design tool for the french detached house market: cost and energy performance optimization
Serge Chardon , Boris Brangeon , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard , Robert Montecot
BS 2015 - 14th International Building Simulation Conference, 2015, Hyderabad, India


Article dans une revue

Cool materials impact at district scale—Coupling building energy and microclimate models
Adrien Gros , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2014, 13, pp.254-266. ⟨10.1016/J.SCS.2014.02.002⟩
A hydrothermal model to assess the impact of green walls on urban microclimate and building energy consumption
Laurent Malys , Marjorie Musy , Christian Inard
Building and Environment, 2014, 73, pp.187 - 197. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.12.012⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Impacts sur la consommation énergétique et le confort dans les bâtiments
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Rabah Djedjig , Adrien Gros , Laurent Malys , Christian Inard , Marjorie Musy
Une ville verte-Les rôles du végétal en ville, Quae éditions, pp.67-84, 2014, 978-2-7592-2171-4

Communication dans un congrès

Impact of vegetation on urban climate, thermal comfort and building energy consumption – Overview of VegDUD project results
Marjorie Musy , Laurent Malys , Benjamin Morille , Agota Szucs , Christian Inard , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rabah Djedjig , Rafik Belarbi , Aude Lemonsu , Cécile de Munck , Katia Chancibault
IC2UHI, Oct 2014, Venise, Italy. pp.719-730
Case study of a new district design through a coupled model for urban microclimate and building energy simulation
Adrien Gros , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard , Marjorie Musy
IC2UHI, Oct 2014, Venise, Italy. pp.1552-1563
A new tool for designing cost effective low energy houses in France
Serge Chardon , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Robert Montecot , Christian Inard
BSO14, Jun 2014, Londres, United Kingdom


Article dans une revue

Short term storage systems of the thermal energy for buildings: a review
Vincent Basecq , Ghislain Michaux , Patrice Blondeau , Christian Inard
Advances in Building Energy Research, 2013, 7 (1), pp.66-119

Communication dans un congrès

Influence of cool materials on building energy demand at district scale
Adrien Gros , Alexaki Petroula , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard
34th AIVC - 3rd TightVent - 2nd Cool Roofs - 1st Venticool, Sep 2013, Athens, Greece


Article dans une revue

Toward integrated building design: A parametric method for evaluating heating demand
Issa Jaffal , Christian Inard , Emmanuel Bozonnet
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 40, pp.267-274. ⟨10.1016/J.APPLTHERMALENG.2012.02.005⟩

Communication dans un congrès

VegDUD project: Role of vegetation in sustainable urban development
Marjorie Musy , Fabrice Rodriguez , Caroline Gutleben , Jean Michel Rosant , Patrice Mestayer , Christian Inard , Nathalie Long
ICUC: 8th International Conference on Urban Climates, Aug 2012, DUBLIN, Ireland. 4p
Modelling the building energy demand at district scale
Adrien Gros , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard
8th International Conference on Urban Climate - ICUC8, Aug 2012, Dublin, Ireland


Article dans une revue

Microclimatic coupling as a solution to improve building energy simulation in an urban context
Julien Bouyer , Marjorie Musy , Christian Inard
Energy and Buildings, 2011, 43 (7), pp.1549 - 1559. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2011.02.010⟩
Modelling the radiative exchanges in urban areas: A review
Adrien Gros , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Christian Inard
Advances in Building Energy Research, 2011, 5 (1), pp.163-206. ⟨10.1080/17512549.2011.582353⟩


Article dans une revue

Etude de l'influence des débits d'air d'infiltration au sein des parois de type double peau de bâtiments à ossature métallique
H. Babin , Christian Inard , E. Alexandru
Revue Construction Métallique, 2010

Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)

Free-running temperature concept and energy saved for cooling by using ventilation, Low energy cooling and thermal comfort
Christian Inard
REHVA Guidebook, Chapitre 4, 2010

Communication dans un congrès

Urban planning as a solution to save energy in buildings
J. Bouyer , M. Musy , Christian Inard
10th International Urban Symposium, Jun 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
Study of a triple concentric-tube heat exchanger integrated into a ventilation and heating system of dwellings
P. Peigne , Laurent Robert , Christian Inard , L. Druette
CLIMA 2010 World Conference, May 2010, Antalya, Turkey
Dimensional analysis of ventilation systems to study isothermal flows in steady and transient conditions
N. Le Roux , X. Faure , S. Soares , Christian Inard
CLIMA 2010 World Conference, May 2010, Antalya, Turkey


Article dans une revue

A new methodology for the disgn of low energy buildings
F. Chlela , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , P. Riederer
Energy and Buildings, 2009, pp.982-990

Communication dans un congrès

building heating demand evaluation with a simple polynomial function
Issa Jaffal , Christian Inard , Christian Ghiaus
9ème international healthy building conference, Sep 2009, syracuse, United States. 8 p
Building heating demand evaluation with a simple polynomial function
I. Jaffal , Christian Inard , C. Ghiaus
9th International Healthy Building Conference, Sep 2009, Syracuse, United States
Simplified statistical method to predict building annual heating demand
I. Jaffal , Christian Inard , C. Ghiaus
4th International Building Physics Conference, Jun 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.553-558


Article dans une revue

A state space model for real-time control of the temperature in indoor space - Principle, calibration and results
Alain Sempey , Christian Inard , Cristian Ghiaus , Cyrille Allery
International journal of ventilation , 2008, 6 (4), pp.327-336
A state space model for real-time control of the temperature in indoor space: principle, calibration and results
Alain Sempey , Christian Inard , Christian Ghiaus , Cyrille Allery
International journal of ventilation , 2008, 6 (4), pp.327-336

Communication dans un congrès

Simplified envelope thermal modelling method based on the design of experiments
I. Jaffal , Christian Inard , C. Ghiaus
29 th AIVC International Conference, Oct 2008, Kyoto, Japan. pp.203-208


Article dans une revue

Grey-box identification of air-handling unit elements
Christian Ghiaus , Adriana Chicinas , Christian Inard
Control Engineering Practice, 2007, 15 (4), pp.421-433
Numerical study of a hybrid ventilation system for single family houses
D. Jreijiry , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard
Solar Energy, 2007, 81 (2), pp.227-239
Experimental and numerical study of thermal stratification in a mantle tank of a solar domestic hot water system
L. Kenjo , Christian Inard , D. Caccavelli
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007, 27 (11-12), pp.1986-1995
Numerical evaluation of earth to air heat exchangers and heat recovery ventilation systems
F. Chlela , A. Husaunndee , P. Riederer , Christian Inard
International journal of ventilation , 2007, 6 (1), pp.31-42. ⟨10.1080/14733315.2007.11683762⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Reduced order model for air temperature control in indoor spaces
Alain Sempey , Christian Inard , Christian Ghiaus
Creete, Greece, 2007, France. p. 924-928
Control of temperature in air-conditioned indoor spaces using reduced order model
Alain Sempey , Christian Inard , Christian Ghiaus
Creete, Greece, 2007, France. p. 919-923
A statistical method to improve the energy efficiency of an office
F. Chlela , A. Husaunndee , P. Riederer , Christian Inard
Beijing, China, 2007, France. pp.n.a
Rafraichichissement passif des bâtiments tertiaires à l'aide de matériaux à changement de phase
F. Chlela , J.M. Alessandrini , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard
Montréal, Canada, 2007, Montréal, France. p. 317-322


Article dans une revue

Modeling the influence of vegetation and water pond on urban microclimate
Mirela Robitu , M. Musy , Christian Inard , D. Groleau
Solar Energy, 2006, 80 (4), pp.435-447
An Equation-Based Simulation Environment to Investigate Fast Building Simulation
E. Wurtz , L. Mora , Christian Inard
Building and Environment, 2006, 41 (n.a.), pp.1571-1583
Prediction of hybrid ventilation performance using two simulation tools
M. El Mankibi , F. Cron , P. Michel , Christian Inard
Solar Energy, 2006, 80 (8), pp.908-926
An Equation-Based Simulation Environment to Investigate Fast Building Simulation
Etienne Wurtz , Laurent Mora , Christian Inard
Building and Environment, 2006, 41 (11), pp.1571-1583. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2005.06.027⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Prediction and control of temperatures in air-conditioned indoor spaces using proper orthogonal decomposition
Alain Sempey , Cyrille Allery , Christian Inard
The 4th European Conference on Energy Performance1 Indoor Climate in Buildings, Nov 2006, France. pp.205-210
Grey model identification of constant volume air handling unit. Part 1: Discrete models
Adriana Chicinas , Christian Ghiaus , Christian Inard
Healthy Buildings 2006, 2006, France. pp.vol. 4, 199-204
Energy consumption and green house gases emission reduction of a dwelling
F. Chlela , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , P. Riederer
Prague, Czech Republic, 2006, France. pp.n.a
Grey model identification of constant volume air handling unit. Part 2: Parameter identification
Adriana Chicinas , Christian Ghiaus , Christian Inard
Healthy Buildings, 2006, France. pp.vol. 4. 205-210
Numerical evaluation of earth to air heat exchangers and heat recovery ventilation systems
F. Chlela , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , Y. Kartachi , P. Riederer
Lyon, France, 2006, France. p. 601-606


Communication dans un congrès

Modelling and simulation of a low energy building
F. Chlela , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , P. Riederer
International Conference on urban engineering, Oct 2005, France. pp.141-150
Numerical evaluation of hybrid ventilation strategies
D. Jreijiry , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard
IBPSA Conference, Aug 2005, France. pp.483-490
Predicting temperature and moisture distribution in conditioned spaces using the zonal approach
K.C. Mendonça , E. Wurtz , Christian Inard
IBPSA Conference, Aug 2005, France. pp.763-768
Evaluation of hybrid ventilation control strategies in residential buidings
D. Jreijiry , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , J.G. Villenave
Passive and low energy cooling for the built environment Conference, May 2005, France. pp.V. 2, 997-1001
Grey-box identification of air-handling unit elements
Christian Ghiaus , Adriana Chicinas , Christian Inard
Proceedings of the 36th International HVAC\R Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 30 November, 2005, France. pp.33-46


Article dans une revue

Energy balance study of water pond and its influence on building environment
Mirela Robitu , Christian Inard , D. Groleau , M. Musy
Building Serv. Eng. Res. Technol., 2004, 25 (3), pp.171-182
A global approach of indoor environment in air-conditioned office room
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , A. Bailly , Francis Allard
Building and Environment, 2004, 40 (1), pp.29-37
Influence du climat sur le potentiel d'un système de ventilation naturelle assistée d'un ventilateur
F. Cron , M. El Mankibi , Christian Inard , P. Michel
Annales du Bâtiment et des travaux publics, 2004, 1 (n.a.), pp.20-29
Effects of coupled heat and moisture transfers through walls upon indoor environment predictions
L. Mora , E. Wurtz , K.C. Mendonça , Christian Inard
International journal of ventilation , 2004, 3 (3), pp.227 - 234

Communication dans un congrès

Modelling of a multizone building for the study of HVAC control systems in a graphical simulation environment
D. Jreijiry , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , P. Riederer
Eurosim Congress, Sep 2004, France. pp.CD ROM
Ventilation control based on indoor air quality using SIMBAD building and HVAC Toolbox
D. Jreijiry , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , J.G. Villenave
CIB Conference, May 2004, France. pp.CD ROM
Effects of coupled heat and moisture transfers through walls upon indoor environment prediction
L. Mora , Kátia Cordeiro Mendonça , E. Wurtz , Christian Inard
CIB Conference, May 2004, Toronto, Canada. pp.CD ROM
Selection of fan-coil using multi-criteria analysis
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , A. Bailly , Francis Allard
Climamed conference, Apr 2004, France. pp.CD ROM


Article dans une revue

Modélisation et validation d'un ballon de stockage solaire à double enveloppe
L. Kenjo , D. Caccavelli , Christian Inard
Revue Internationale d'Héliothermie, 2003, 28 (n.a.), pp.41-49
Numerical analysis of hybrid ventilation performance depending on climate characteristics
F. Cron , Christian Inard , Rafik Belarbi
International journal of ventilation , 2003, 1 (n.a.), pp.41-52
Utilisation de l'analyse multicritère pour la sélection d'appareils de climatisation
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , A. Bailly , Francis Allard
Annales du Bâtiment et des travaux publics, 2003, n.a. (3), pp.32-39

Communication dans un congrès

Low cost simulation as a tool for indoor comfort design.
A. Bellivier , P. Freydier , Christian Inard , D. Larrauri
Passive and low energy architecture confrence, Nov 2003, France. pp.CD ROM
Dynamic compensation of feed-forward control of buildings
Christian Ghiaus , Christian Inard
CISBAT 2003, Oct 2003, France. pp.n.a
Thermal radiative modelling of water pond and its influences on microclimate
Mirela Robitu , M. Musy , D. Groleau , Christian Inard
ICUC5 5th Intl. Conference on Urban Climate, Sep 2003, France. pp.289-292
Control of ventilation in buildings using Simbad building and HVAC toolbox
D. Jreijiry , A. Husaunndee , Christian Inard , J. G. Villenave
Building Simulation'03 Conference, Aug 2003, France. pp.591-597
Energy balance study of water ponds and its influence on building energy consumption
Mirela Robitu , Christian Inard , M. Musy , D. Groleau
Building Simulation 2003, Aug 2003, France. pp.1123-1130
Analysis of a hybrid ventilation performance in France
F. Cron , Christian Inard
Building Simulation'03 Conference, Aug 2003, France. pp.243-250
A model of a low-flow solar domestic hot water system
L. Kenjo , D. Caccavelli , Christian Inard
Building Simulation'03 Conference, Aug 2003, France. pp.635-640
Simspark: an object-oriented environment to predict coupled heat and mass transfers in buildings
L. Mora , K.C. Mendonça , E. Wurtz , Christian Inard
Building Simulation'03 Conference, Aug 2003, France. pp.903-910
Modèle du rayonnement solaire dans et à la surface d'un bassin d'eau
Mirela Robitu , M. Musy , D. Groleau , Christian Inard
XXIèmes Rencontres Universitaires de Genie Civil, Jun 2003, France. pp.127-134
SIMspark: un environnement orienté objet décrivant les transferts de masse et de chaleur couplés dans un bâtiment : Intérêt de la prise en compte des transferts d'humidité
E. Wurtz , K.C. Mendonça , L. Mora , Christian Inard
XXIème Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, Jun 2003, France. pp.201-208
Modélisation du rayonnement solaire dans un bassin d'eau
Mirela Robitu , M. Musy , D. Groleau , Christian Inard
VIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, May 2003, France. pp.6


Article dans une revue

Le confort global dans les locaux climatisés
Y.-A. Lebars , E. Rutman , Christian Inard
Revue de l'AICVF, 2002, n.a. (4), pp.12-14

Communication dans un congrès

Comparing zonal and CFD models of indoor airflows under mixed convection conditions to experimental data
L. Mora , A.J. Gadgil , E. Wurtz , Christian Inard
Indoor Air Journal, Oct 2002, France. pp.735-740
Modélisation du microclimat urbain. Influence de la présence de surfaces d'eau
Mirela Robitu , M. Musy , D. Groleau , Christian Inard
Congrès IBPSA France, Oct 2002, France. pp.n.a
Control strategies for hybrid ventilation simulations
M. El Mankibi , F. Cron , P. Michel , Christian Inard
EPIC 2002, AIVC Conference Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities, Oct 2002, France. pp.437-442
Prédiction du confort thermique, acoustique et de la qualité de la diffusion aéraulique dans un local climatisé
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , A. Bailly , Francis Allard
Congrès IBPSA France, Oct 2002, France. pp.n.a
Prediction of Indoor Environmental Quality in Multizone Buildings Using Zonal Models
L. Mora , Christian Inard , E. Wurtz , J.W. Axley
8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, RoomVent'02, Sep 2002, France. pp.461-464
Experimental and numerical analysis of a hybrid-ventilated room
F. Cron , M. El Mankibi , Christian Inard , P. Michel
8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, RoomVent'02, Sep 2002, France. pp.493-496
A zonal model for predicting simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in buildings
K.C. Mendonça , Christian Inard , E. Wurtz , F.C. Winkelmann , Francis Allard
Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Jul 2002, France. pp.n.a
Prediction of global comfort in air conditioned building with a zonal model
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , A. Bailly , Francis Allard
Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Jul 2002, France. pp.n.a
Study of the thermal behaviour of a low-flow solar water heater
L. Kenzo , C. Buscarlet , Christian Inard
Forum International sur les Energies Renouvelables (FIER), May 2002, France. pp.n.a


Article dans une revue

Systèmes efficaces de ventilation pour le bâtiment : développement d'un logiciel d'aide à la décision
Rafik Belarbi , Christian Inard , E. Rutman , E. Maldonado
Revue de l'AICVF, 2000, n.a. (5), pp.32-37

Communication dans un congrès

A global approach of air conditionnined indoor environment quality considering thermal comfort, acoustics and air diffusion
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , I. Vilicic , B. Frankovic , A. Bailly
17th Scientifivc International Conference on Energy and the Environment, Oct 2000, France. pp.149-158
A simulation tool to assess the impact of vegetation on the urban microclimate
J. Vinet , F. Raymond , Christian Inard
International Building Physics Conference Tools for design and engeneering of Buildings, Sep 2000, France. pp.n.a
Simulated impact of trees on heat and wind flows in an urban open space
J. Vinet , F. Raymond , Christian Inard
Third symposium on the Environment, American Meterological Society, Aug 2000, France. pp.137-138
Relationship between horizontal cold air jets induced by a real HVAC system as a fan coil and the indoor comfort
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , A. Bailly , Francis Allard
ROOMVENT 2000, Jul 2000, France. pp.125-130
Study of the effect of thermal stratification on heat transfer in multizone buildings
S. Burchiu , Amina Meslem , Christian Inard
ROOMVENT 2000, Jul 2000, France. pp.247-252
Study of the ventilation efficiency under some typical air flow conditions in a mechanical ventilated room
S. Castanet , Claudine Beghein , Christian Inard
ROOMVENT 2000, Jul 2000, France. pp.837-842
Flow and separation characteristics of horizontal cold air jets induced by real HVAC system
E. Rutman , Christian Inard , A. Bailly , Francis Allard
ROOMVENT 2000, Jul 2000, France. pp.n.a


Article dans une revue

HVAC international initiatives for indoor quality
Francis Allard , Christian Inard
REHVA Journal, 1999, 2 (n.a.), pp.5-11
Lois de décroissance d'un jet turbulent tridimensionnel vertical de paroi impactant à forces de poussée défavorables
Amina Meslem , Claudine Beghein , Christian Inard , Francis Allard
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 1999, 26 (4), pp.487-498
Etude Expérimentale de l'Ambiance Thermique Intérieure Générée par un Ventilo-Convecteur
Amina Meslem , Claudine Beghein , Christian Inard , Kamel Abed-Meraim
Annales du Bâtiment et des travaux publics, 1999, 5 (n.a.), pp.n.a

Communication dans un congrès

Modelling the impact of urban vegetation to analyse urban microclimate and outdoor thermal comfort
J. Vinet , M.J. Antoine , F. Raymond , Christian Inard
15th International Congress of Biometeorology1 International Conference on Urban Climatology, Nov 1999, France. pp.n.a
Modélisation du comportement énergétique des bâtiments par assemblage de modèles réduits
C. Menezo , P. Aude , S. Lepers , Christian Inard
Congrès SFT, May 1999, France. pp.655-660


Article dans une revue

Perturbation of the imput data of models used for the prediction of turbulent air flow in an enclosure
P. Aude , Claudine Beghein , P. Depecker , Christian Inard
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 1998, 34 (2), pp.139-164
Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort in Dwelling-cells: a Zonal- model Approach
Christian Inard , Amina Meslem , P. Depecker
Building and Environment, 1998, 33 (5), pp.279-291

Communication dans un congrès

Influence de la stratification thermique sur les échanges thermiques et aérauliques dans les bâtiments multizones
S. Burchiu , Christian Inard , Karim Limam
Conférence IBPSA France 98, Dec 1998, France. pp.77-84
Modélisation thermo-aéraulique des bâtiments: approche orientée objet
M. Musy , E. Wurtz , Christian Inard
Conférence IBPSA France 98, Dec 1998, France. pp.33-39
Ventilation efficiency in dwelling cells: contribution to the validation of a zonal model
S. Castanet , H. Bouia , A. Duta , Christian Inard
European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings, Nov 1998, France. pp.976-981
Approche globale du confort. Etude des outils expérimentaux et numériques
A. Bailly , E. Rutman , Francis Allard , Christian Inard
European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings, Nov 1998, France. pp.207-212
Experimental study of ventilation performance in dwelling-cells
S. Castanet , Amina Meslem , C. Menezo , Christian Inard
Roomvent 98, Stockholm, Suède, Jun 1998, France. pp.n.a


Article dans une revue

Un modèle simplifié pour la prédiction du champ de température dans les bâtiments
Christian Inard , P. Depecker , J.-J. Roux
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1997, 36 (n.a.), pp.113-123
Structure moyenne et analyse intégrale du panache thermique des convecteurs électriques
Christian Inard , Amina Meslem , P. Depecker , P. Barles
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1997, 36 (n.a.), pp.495-509

Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)

Les émetteurs de chaleur
Jean-Jacques Bézian , Pierre Barles , Claude Francois , Christian Inard
sous la direction de Jean-Jacques Bézian. Presses MINES ParisTech, 168 p. - ISBN 2-911762-03-7, 1997, Technologie

Communication dans un congrès

Prediction of thermal comfort in a room with a cold air diffusion supply unit
Amina Meslem , Christian Inard , P. Barles
CLIMA 2000, Bruxelles, Belgique, Aug 1997, France. pp.n.a


Article dans une revue

Prediction of air temperature distribution in buildings with a zonal model
Christian Inard , H. Bouia , P. Dalicieux
Energy and Buildings, 1996, 24 (2), pp.125-132
Sous-structuration et couplage de modèles réduits appliqués aux transferts thermiques dans le sol
E. Byalli , J.-J. Roux , Christian Inard
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 1996, 23 (4), pp.575-586

Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)

Les Emetteurs de Chaleur
Jean-Jacques Bézian , P. Barles , C. Francois , Christian Inard
Presses de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris, pp.n.a., 1996

Communication dans un congrès

Use of a zonal model for the prediction of air temperature distribution in large enclosures
Christian Inard , Amina Meslem , P. Depecker
Roomvent 96, Yokohama, Japon, Jul 1996, France. pp.Vol. 2, 177-184
Experimental studies on the thermal air flow characteristics of air-conditioned office rooms
Amina Meslem , Christian Inard , P. Barles
Roomvent 96, Yokohama, Japon, Jul 1996, France. pp.Vol.2, 387-394


Article dans une revue

Eléments de comparaison du calcul des échanges radiatifs au sein d'un local chauffé
Christian Inard , Francis Allard , P. Depecker
Promoclim, 1991, 22 (n.a.), pp.166-174
Modélisation anisotherme du chauffage des locaux par planchers chauffants. Application à l'étude de l'efficacité de l'émission
Christian Inard , N. Molle , J.P. Simoneau
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1991, 30 (358), pp.608-613
Etude du couplage thermique entre des corps de chauffe et un local. Analyse expérimentale des échanges convectifs et de la structure moyenne du panache
Christian Inard , N. Molle , Francis Allard
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1991, 30 (351), pp.156-162


Article dans une revue

Phénomènes convectifs intérieurs dans les cellules d'habitation. Approches expérimentales et numériques
Francis Allard , Christian Inard , J.P. Simoneau
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1990, 29 (340), pp.216-225


Article dans une revue

Etude de l'influence d'une surface réfléchissante au dos d'un radiateur
Christian Inard , N. Molle , J. Vincent
Promoclim, 1989, 20 (6), pp.350-357
Le chauffage par corps de chauffe : efficacité en confort et en consommation
Christian Inard , N. Molle
Revue Générale de Thermique, 1989, 28 (335), pp.650-656


Article dans une revue

Numerical approach of interaction between an injection and laminar natural convection in a thermally driven cavity
J.P. Simoneau , Christian Inard , Francis Allard
ASME Heat Transfer Division, 1988, 99 (n.a.), pp.45-51


Article dans une revue

Thermal experiments of full-scale dwelling cells in artificial climatic conditions
Francis Allard , J. Brau , Christian Inard , J.M. Pallier
Energy and Buildings, 1987, 10 (1), pp.49-58


Article dans une revue

Etudes comparatives de différentes méthodes de modélisation des échanges radiatifs de courtes et grandes longueurs d'onde dans une cellule d'habitation
Francis Allard , Christian Inard , A. Roldan
Annales du Bâtiment et des travaux publics, 1986, n.a. (442), pp.29-60