Article dans une revue
Application of SECM to detect a local electrolyte acidification due to the hydrogen flux desorption from a cathodic charged stainless steel
Malo Duportal
Dao Trinh
Catherine Savall
Xavier Feaugas
Abdelali Oudriss
Hydrogen Embrittlement as a Conspicuous Material Challenge─Comprehensive Review and Future Directions
Haiyang Yu
Andrés Díaz
Xu Lu
Binhan Sun
Yu Ding
Motomichi Koyama
Jianying He
Xiao Zhou
Abdelali Oudriss
Xavier Feaugas
Zhiliang Zhang
Micro-mechanisms and modelling of the corrosion fatigue behaviour of a maraging steel
Camille Rousseau
Mohamed El May
Nicolas Saintier
Abdelali Oudriss
Xavier Feaugas
Léa Menut-Tournadre
Stéphane Knittel
The combined effect of hydrogen and aging conditions on the cyclic behavior of a precipitation-hardened nickel-base superalloy
A. Radi
M. Risbet
G. Henaff
Abdelali Oudriss
Xavier Feaugas
R. Chantalat
Communication dans un congrès
Application of SECM to detect a local electrolyte acidification due to the hydrogen flux desorption from a cathodic charged 316LN
Malo Duportal
Dao Trinh
Catherine Savall
Xavier Feaugas
Abdelali Oudriss
Eurocorr 2024, Sep 2024, Paris palais des congrès, France
Sur la diffusion anormale des défauts ponctuels au voisinage d'une dislocation
Marie Landeiro dos Reis
Abdallah El Hamidi
Philippe Carrez
Patrick Cordier
Xavier Feaugas
16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024), CNRS; CSMA; ENS Paris-Saclay; CentraleSupélec, May 2024, Hyères, France
Article dans une revue
A multi-method approach to the study of hydrogen trapping in a maraging stainless steel: the impact of B2-NiAl precipitates and austenite
Jolan Bestautte
Abdelali Oudriss
Matthieu Lenci
Denis Bechet
Zacharie Obadia
Xavier Feaugas
Frédéric Christien
Understanding the mechanisms of intergranular corrosion in 2024 Al alloy at the polycrystal scale
Emilie Mondou
Arnaud Proietti
Cédric Charvillat
Cyril Berziou
Xavier Feaugas
David Sinopoli
Christine Blanc
Article dans une revue
Consequences of mobile and trapped hydrogen on the dissolution kinetics and pitting processes of an austenitic stainless steel
Malo Duportal
Xavier Feaugas
Abdelali Oudriss
Catherine Savall
Consequences of mobile and trapped hydrogen on the dissolution kinetics and pitting processes of an austenitic stainless steel
Malo Duportal
Xavier Feaugas
Abdelali Oudriss
C. Savall
On the implication of mobile hydrogen content on the surface reactivity of an austenitic stainless steel
Malo Duportal
Abdelali Oudriss
C. Savall
Alexis Renaud
Christine Labrugère-Sarroste
Xavier Feaugas
Communication dans un congrès
Effect of microstructure on the diffusion property of polycrystals
Jamaa Bouhattate
Y. Charles
Xavier Feaugas
M. Gaspérini
Jonathan Mougenot
Abdelali Oudriss
17ème Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC17), Aug 2021, Rennes, France
Article dans une revue
On the estimation of the diffusion coefficient and distribution of hydrogen in stainless steel
Malo Duportal
Abdelali Oudriss
Xavier Feaugas
Catherine Savall
On the estimation of the diffusion coefficient and distribution of hydrogen in stainless steel
Malo Duportal
Abdelali Oudriss
Xavier Feaugas
Catherine Savall
Effect of aging treatment on apparent hydrogen solubility and trapping in a new generation maraging steel
Camille Rousseau
Abdelali Oudriss
Remy Milet
Xavier Feaugas
Mohamed El May
Nicolas Saintier
Quentin Tonizzo
Mariem Msakni-Malouche
Communication dans un congrès
Relationship between Metallurgical States and Corrosion Resistance of Nitrided Martensitic Steels in Marine Environment
Juan Creus
Pierre Reilhac
Gregory Michel
Vincent Branger
Simon Frappart
Denis Fleche
Dao Trinh
Xavier Feaugas
237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020), May 2020, Montreal, Canada. pp.966-966,
Article dans une revue
Relationship Between Microstructure and Marine Corrosion Resistance of Martensitic Stainless Steels: A Multiscale Approach
Pierre Reilhac
Juan Creus
Xavier Feaugas
Grégory Michel
Simon Frappart
Vincent Branger
Chapitre d'ouvrage
17 - Corrosion and Hydrogen Fatigue at Different Scales
Nicolas Saintier
Mohamed El May
Grégory Odemer
Gilbert Hénaff
Cédric Bosch
Xavier Feaugas
Thierry Couvant
Hydrogen and Crystal Defects Interactions: Effects on Plasticity and Fracture
Xavier Feaugas
David Delafosse
State of Hydrogen in Matter: Fundamental Ad/Absorption, Trapping and Transport Mechanisms
Frantz Martin
Xavier Feaugas
Abdelali Oudriss
Döme Tanguy
Laurent Briottet
Jean Kittel
Experimental Techniques for Dosage and Detection of Hydrogen
Abdelali Oudriss
Frantz Martin
Xavier Feaugas
Communication dans un congrès
Influence of hydrogen on corrosion behaviour of a 316LN stainless steel
Malo Duportal
Abdelali Oudriss
Catherine Savall
Xavier Feaugas
EuroCorr 2019, Sep 2019, Sévilla, Spain
Article dans une revue
Impact of Hydrogen Content on the Thermal Stability of Hydride Phases in Zirconium Alloys
Egle Conforto
Patrick Girault P. Girault
Cyril Berziou
Guillaume Lotte
Rémy Milet
Stephane Cohendoz
Xavier Feaugas
Trapping/detrapping kinetic rates of hydrogen around a vacancy in nickel and some consequences on the hydrogen-vacancy clusters thermodynamic equilibrium
Arnaud Metsue
Abdelali Oudriss
Xavier Feaugas
Segregation energy of the hydrogen at Ni Σ3 grain boundaries: some implications of the atomic volume and the interstitial self-stress
Abdelmalek Hallil
Arnaud Metsue
Abdelali Oudriss
Jamâa Bouhattate
Xavier Feaugas
Surface Roughness Based Characterization of Slip Band for Damage Initiation in a Nickel Base Superalloy
Hsin Shen Ho
Marion Risbet
Xavier Feaugas
Maxence Bigerelle
Erliang Zhang
Hydrogen effect on the fatigue behavior of LBM Inconel 718
Simon Puydebois
Abdelali Oudriss
Pierre Bernard
Laurent Briottet
Xavier Feaugas
Communication dans un congrès
A cyclic slip irreversibility based model for fatigue crack initiation of nickel base alloys
Hsin Shen Ho
Marion Risbet
Xavier Feaugas
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Hydride Precipitates in Zirconium Alloys: Evolution of Dissolution and Precipitation Temperatures During Thermal Cycling Correlated to Microstructure Features
Egle Conforto
Stephane Cohendoz
Patrick P. Girault
Cyril Berziou
Xavier Feaugas
TMS T. (eds) TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, pp.771-782, 2017,
Article dans une revue
Formation and Dissolution of Hydride Precipitates in Zirconium Alloys: Crystallographic Orientation Relationships and Stability after Temperature Cycling
Egle Conforto
Stephane Cohendoz
Cyril Berziou
Patrick Girault P. Girault
Xavier Feaugas
In situ monitoring of organic coating swelling by dynamic mechanical analysis and scanning electrochemical microscopy
Geoffrey Bouvet
Dao Trinh
Stéphanie Mallarino
Xavier Feaugas
Sébastien Touzain
A Dedicated DIC Methodology for Characterizing Plastic Deformation in Single Crystals
Xiaogang Wang
Jean-François Witz
Ahmed El Bartali
Abdelali Oudriss
Rian Seghir
Philippe Dufrenoy
Xavier Feaugas
Eric Charkaluk
Numerical analysis of the Influence of the presence of disbond region in adhesive layer on the stress intensity factors (SIF) and crack opening displacement (COD) in plates repaired with a composite patch
Aicha Benchiha
Kouider Madani
Sébastien Touzain
Xavier Feaugas
Mohan Ratwani
Length scales and scaling laws for dislocation cells developed during monotonic deformation of (001) nickel single crystal
Abdelali Oudriss
Xavier Feaugas
Communication dans un congrès
Impact of Charging Conditions and Membrane Thickness on Hydrogen Permeation Through Steel: Thick / Thin Membrane Concepts Revisited
Jean Kittel
Xavier Feaugas
Juan Creus
Corrosion 2016, Mar 2016, Vancouver, Canada
Article dans une revue
Dislocation mechanisms in a zirconium alloy in the high-temperature regime: An in situ TEM investigation
Daniel Caillard
Martin Rautenberg
Xavier Feaugas
Communication dans un congrès
Impact of cementite tortuosity on hydrogen diffusion in pearlitic steels
C. Forot
E Legrand
E. Roguet
Jordi Creus
J. Kittel
Xavier Feaugas
Eurocorr 2015, Sep 2015, Gradz, Austria
Article dans une revue
Contribution of the entropy on the thermodynamic equilibrium of vacancies in nickel
Arnaud Metsue
Abdelali Oudriss
Jamaa Bouhattate
Xavier Feaugas
Communication dans un congrès
Investigation of the work hardening stages of nickel single crystals from full-field strain measurements
X.G Wang
Abdelali Oudriss
Ahmed El Bartali
Jean-Francois Witz
Rian Seghir
Philippe Dufrenoy
Xavier Feaugas
Eric Charkaluk
Plasticité 2014, Apr 2014, Lyon, France
Article dans une revue
Microstructural characterization of creep anisotropy at 673K in the M5® alloy
Martin Rautenberg
Xavier Feaugas
Dominique Poquillon
Jean-Marc Cloué
Communication dans un congrès
Approche multiéchelle du glissement prismatique dans un zirconium à faible teneur en oxygène
Cyril Lebon
Fabien Onimus
Laurent Dupuy
Jérôme Garnier
Eva Héripré
Xavier Feaugas
Colloque Plasticité 2011, Apr 2011, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Communication dans un congrès
Analyse de l'effet d'entaille sur la distribution des contraintes tangentielles dans la couche d'un adhésif utilisé pour le collage de deux plaques en Aluminium 2024-T3 = Numerical analysis of the notch effect on tangential stress distribution of the adhesive layer used for bonding two aluminum plate 2024-T3
K. Madani
B.F. Boukhoulda
Sébastien Touzain
Xavier Feaugas
JNC16, Jun 2009, Toulouse, France. 13 p
Article dans une revue
The Effects of Grain Size on Dislocations organization and Internal Stresses developed under Tensile Loading in f.c.c. metals
Xavier Feaugas
Haddou Hakim
Article dans une revue
Use of atomic force microscopy to quantify slip irreversibility in a nickel-base superalloy
Marion Risbet
Xavier Feaugas
C. Guillemer-Neel
Michel Clavel