Annuaire > BELARBI Rafik

  • Équipe de rattachement : E2 - BVD
  • Statut : Enseignant-Chercheur
  • Tél. : +33 (0)5 46 45 72 39

Université de La Rochelle
Section de Recherche : CNU 60
Département scientifique CNRS : INSIS.

  • Responsable de l’équipe 2 - BVD

Activités de Recherche :

Mes activités de recherche portent sur l’étude des transferts de masse, principalement d’humidité, et de chaleur au sein des ambiances habitables, sur les échanges couplés de chaleur et d’humidité à travers les enveloppes des bâtiments et à l’interface matériaux de construction – ambiance. Ma contribution se situe au niveau de la maîtrise des échanges hydrique et de chaleur à l’interface des parois du bâtiment et de l’ambiance par le recours à des systèmes de conditionnement permettant d’assurer le confort des ambiances à moindre coût tout en protégeant l’environnement ainsi que la maîtrise des conditions aux limites à l’interface du bâtiment et du microclimat urbain environnant. L’objectif final visé étant, non seulement l’amélioration des performances énergétiques et environnementales des bâtiments, mais aussi une meilleure prédiction de la durabilité des ouvrages.

Principales responsabilités :

 Responsable de l’équipe BVD
 Coordinateur du projet européen Erasmus+ "PROEMED : boosting environmental PROtection and Energy efficient building in MEDiterranean region".
 Coordinateur du projet ANR-Habisol : "AGROBAT - Agronomie et Bâtiment, Incidence des toitures végétalisées sur la peroformance énergétique des bâtiments selon une approche pluridisciplinaire".
 Coordinateur de la tâche caractérisation du projet ANR-Habisol : "Hygrobat - Vers une méthode de conception HYGRO-thermique des BATiments performants
Responsable scientifique du projet européen Marie Curie du 7 PCRD :Exchange of Experience on the Preservation of Historic and Old Water Masonry Structures".
 Directeur du département génie civil 2007-2019.

Publications scientifiques :

Erreur d’exécution plugins/auto/hal_pub/v1.0.10/formulaires/hal_pub.html
206 résultats


Article dans une revue

Critical assessment of an aging phenomenological model for building materials
Achraf Charaka , Julien Berger , Rafik Belarbi
Journal of Building Physics, 2024, ⟨10.1177/17442591241299035⟩
Design Optimization of Energy-Efficient Residential Buildings in Morocco
Karim Boumlik , Rafik Belarbi , Mohammed Ahachad , Mustapha Mahdaoui , Hassan Radoine , Moncef Krarti
Buildings, 2024, 14 (12), pp.3915. ⟨10.3390/buildings14123915⟩
Hygrothermal characterization of cement mortar composites incorporating micronized miscanthus fibers
Franck Komi Gbekou , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Abderrahim Boudenne , Rafik Belarbi , Anissa Eddhahak , Karim Benzarti
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 21, pp.e04004. ⟨10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e04004⟩
Comprehensive Assessment of the Impact of Green Roofs and Walls on Building Energy Performance: A Scientific Review
Yara Nasr , Henri El Zakhem , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Makram El Bachawati , Rafik Belarbi
Energies, 2024, 17 (20), pp.5160. ⟨10.3390/en17205160⟩
A comparative study of energy performance of Green, White, and gravel roofs in a temperate climate through In-Situ measurement and dynamic simulation
Salah-Eddine Ouldboukhitine , Amer Bakkour , Sofiane Amziane , Rafik Belarbi
Energy and Buildings, 2024, 320, pp.114630. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2024.114630⟩
An inverse method for the estimation of the vapor and liquid diffusivity coefficient of conventional and phase change material based hemp concrete
Mohamed Sawadogo , Alexandre Godin , Marie Duquesne , Rafik Belarbi , Ameur Hamami
Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 422, pp.135804. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.135804⟩
Shape optimization of the energy efficiency of building retrofitted facade
Sultan Alpar , Julien Berger , Walter Mazuroski , Rafik Belarbi
Solar Energy, 2024, 271, pp.112437. ⟨10.1016/j.solener.2024.112437⟩
Estimation of soils thermophysical characteristics in a nonlinear inverse heat transfer problem
Sultan Alpar , Julien Berger , Bolatbek Rysbaiuly , Rafik Belarbi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 218, pp.124727. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.124727⟩
Multi-scale analysis of the effects of hysteresis on the hydrothermal behaviour of bio-based materials: Application to hemp concrete
Ferhat Benmahiddine , Fares Bennai , Achraf Charaka , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Abdelkader Tahakourt , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411, pp.134107. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134107⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Shape optimisation of the building facade energy efficiency in transient regime
Sultan Alpar , Julien Berger , Rafik Belarbi


Article dans une revue

Comprehensive Review of Innovative Materials for Sustainable Buildings' Energy Performance
Yara Nasr , Henri E Zakhem , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Makram El Bachawati , Rafik Belarbi
Energies, 2023, Section: G-Energy and Buildings. Special issue: Smart Materials and Methods for Green Buildings and Sustainable Environment, 16 (21), pp.7440. ⟨10.3390/en16217440⟩
Development and hygrothermal performance analysis of a novel eco-friendly insulating wall under various climatic conditions
Mohamed Sawadogo , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Alexandre Godin , Marie Duquesne , Rafik Belarbi , Ameur El Amine Hamami
Building and Environment, 2023, 245, pp.110841. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110841⟩
Experimental assessment of the similarity law for a one-dimensional coupled heat and water vapor diffusion in hemp concrete
A. Charaka , J. Berger , F. Benmahiddine , Rafik Belarbi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 209, pp.124122. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2023.124122⟩
Hygrothermal and microstructural characterization of self-consolidating earth concrete (SCEC)
Mojtaba Kohandelnia , Masoud Hosseinpoor , Ammar Yahia , Rafik Belarbi
Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 69, pp.106287. ⟨10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106287⟩
New insight on rheology of self-consolidating earth concrete (SCEC)
Mojtaba Kohandelnia , Masoud Hosseinpoor , Ammar Yahia , Rafik Belarbi
Powder Technology, 2023, 424, pp.118561. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2023.118561⟩
Proper Generalized Decomposition using Taylor expansion for non-linear diffusion equations
Ahmad Deeb , Omar Kalaoun , Rafik Belarbi
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2023, 208, pp.71-94. ⟨10.1016/j.matcom.2023.01.008⟩
A review on recent research on bio-based building materials and their applications
S. Bourbia , H. Kazeoui , Rafik Belarbi
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2023, ⟨10.1007/s40243-023-00234-7⟩
Multiscale investigation of self-consolidating earthen materials using a novel concrete-equivalent mortar approach
Mojtaba Kohandelnia , Masoud Hosseinpoor , Ammar Yahia , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 370, pp.130700. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.130700⟩
Sustainable Buildings: A Choice, or a Must for Our Future?
Seif Khiati , Rafik Belarbi , Ammar Yahia
Energies, 2023, 16 (6), pp.2517. ⟨10.3390/en16062517⟩
The Thermal and Mechanical Behaviour of Wood-PLA Composites Processed by Additive Manufacturing for Building Insulation
Anis Bahar , Ameur Hamami , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Sofiane Belhabib , Rafik Belarbi , Sofiane Guessasma
Polymers, 2023, 15 (14), pp.3056. ⟨10.3390/polym15143056⟩
High-Volume Recycled Waste Glass Powder Cement-Based Materials: Role of Glass Powder Granularity
Akli Younsi , Mohammed Amar Mahi , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga
Buildings, 2023, 13 (7), pp.1783. ⟨10.3390/buildings13071783⟩
Development of a hysteresis model based on axisymmetric and homotopic properties to predict moisture transfer in building materials
Ahmad Deeb , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Julien Berger , Rafik Belarbi
Journal of Building Physics, 2023, 46 (5), pp.567-601. ⟨10.1177/17442591221144785⟩
A Review on Numerical Modeling of the Hygrothermal Behavior of Building Envelopes Incorporating Phase Change Materials
Mohamed Sawadogo , Alexandre Godin , Marie Duquesne , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Rafik Belarbi
Buildings, 2023, 13 (12), pp.3086. ⟨10.3390/buildings13123086⟩
Solving parametric problems in building renovation with a spectral reduced-order method
Suelen Gasparin , Julien Berger , Rafik Belarbi , Denys Dutykh , Nathan Mendes
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2023, 16 (2), ⟨10.1080/19401493.2022.2126527⟩
Investigation of eco-friendly and economic shape-stabilized composites for building walls and thermal comfort
Mohamed Sawadogo , Alexandre Godin , Marie Duquesne , Elodie Lacroix , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , Amélie Veillère
Building and Environment, 2023, 231, pp.110026. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110026⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Effect of the Formulation on the Hydric and Mechanical Properties of Flax Concrete: Comparison with Hemp Concrete
Ferhat Benmahiddine , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkader Tahakourt
Proceedings of the 75th RILEM Annual Week 2021 Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures, RILEM, Feb 2023, On Line meeting, Mexico. pp.30-37, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-21735-7_4⟩


Article dans une revue

Assessment of the water vapor permeability: Effect of the total pressure
Thierry Duforestel , Imane Oubrahim , Rafik Belarbi , Hanaa El Hardouz , Mathilde Colmet Daâge
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 196, pp.123210. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.123210⟩
Assessment of the water vapor permeability: Effect of the total pressure
Thierry Duforestel , Imane Oubrahim , Rafik Belarbi , Hanaa El Hardouz , Mathilde Colmet Daâge
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 196, pp.123210. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.123210⟩
A new approach for proportioning self-consolidating earth paste (SCEP) using the Taguchi method
Mojtaba Kohandelnia , Masoud Hosseinpoor , Ammar Yahia , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 347, pp.128579. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.128579⟩
Assessment of the natural variability of cob buildings hygric and thermal properties at material scale: Influence of plants add-ons
Junior Tchiotsop , Nabil Issaadi , Philippe Poullain , Stéphanie Bonnet , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 342, pp.127922. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127922⟩
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of 3D Printed Polycarbonate
Anis Bahar , Sofiane Belhabib , Sofiane Guessasma , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Rafik Belarbi
Energies, 2022, 15 (10), pp.3686. ⟨10.3390/en15103686⟩
Investigation of a novel bio-based phase change material hemp concrete for passive energy storage in buildings
Mohamed Sawadogo , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , Alexandre Godin , Marie Duquesne
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, pp.118620. ⟨10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.118620⟩
Integration of water sorption hysteresis for heat and mass transfer modeling
Imane Oubrahim , Thierry Duforestel , Rafik Belarbi
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, ⟨10.1007/s00231-022-03201-6⟩
Towards understanding cork concrete behaviour: Impact of considering cork absorption during mixing process
Ahmed Kamel Tedjditi , Fouad Ghomari , Rafik Belarbi , Rachid Cherif , Fouad Boukhelf , Rachid Tarik Bouhraoua
Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 317, pp.125905. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125905⟩
Experimental assessment of the similarity law for a heat conduction problem
A. Charaka , J. Berger , Rafik Belarbi
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2022, 33, pp.101312. ⟨10.1016/j.tsep.2022.101312⟩
Experimental Characterization of Raw Earth Properties for Modeling Their Hygrothermal Behavior
Yassine Belarbi , Mohamed Sawadogo , Philippe Poullain , Nabil Issaadi , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Stéphanie Bonnet , Rafik Belarbi
Buildings, 2022, 12 (5), pp.648. ⟨10.3390/buildings12050648⟩
Towards understanding cork concrete behaviour: Impact of considering cork absorption during mixing process
Ahmed Kamel Tedjditi , Fouad Ghomari , Rafik Belarbi , Rachid Cherif , Fouad Boukhelf , Rachid Tarik Bouhraoua
Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 317, pp.125905. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125905⟩
Experimental and numerical modelling of hygrothermal transfer: Application on building energy performance
Fouad Boukhelf , Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , Mohamed Bachir Bouiadjra
Energy and Buildings, 2022, 254, pp.111633. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111633⟩
Assessment of hygrothermal performance of hemp concrete compared to conventional building materials at overall building scale
Fares Bennai , Mohammed Yacine Ferroukhi , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Rafik Belarbi , Armelle Nouviaire
Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 316, pp.126007. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.126007⟩
Assessment of the natural variability of cob buildings hygric and thermal properties at material scale: Influence of plants add-ons
Junior Tchiotsop , Nabil Issaadi , Philippe Poullain , Stéphanie Bonnet , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 342, pp.127922. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127922⟩
Experimental and numerical modelling of hygrothermal transfer: Application on building energy performance
Fouad Boukhelf , Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , Mohamed Bachir Bouiadjra
Energy and Buildings, 2022, 254, pp.111633. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111633⟩
Reducing rational polynomial: a proposition of a strategy to deal with floating point numbers using singular value decomposition
Ahmad Deeb , Rafik Belarbi
Soft Computing, 2022, 26 (2), pp.553-573. ⟨10.1007/s00500-021-06451-4⟩


Article dans une revue

Accelerated Aging Effects on the Hygrothermal Behaviour of Hemp Concrete: Experimental and Numerical Investigations
Ferhat Benmahiddine , Rafik Belarbi , Julien Berger , Fares Bennai , Abdelkader Tahakourt
Energies, 2021, 14 (21), pp.7005. ⟨10.3390/en14217005⟩
Hygrothermal and Mechanical Behaviors of Fiber Mortar: Comparative Study between Palm and Hemp Fibers
Younes Zouaoui , Ferhat Benmahiddine , Ammar Yahia , Rafik Belarbi
Energies, 2021, 14 (21), pp.7110. ⟨10.3390/en14217110⟩
Development of a numerical approach to assess the effect of coupled heat and moisture transfer on energy consumption of residential buildings in Moroccan context
Yassine Chbani Idrissi , Rafik Belarbi , Mohammed Yacine Ferroukhi , M’barek Feddaoui , Driss Agliz
Journal of Building Physics, 2021, 45 (6), pp.774-808. ⟨10.1177/17442591211056068⟩
On the hygrothermal behavior of concrete containing glass powder and silica fume
Fouad Boukhelf , Rachid Cherif , Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , Mohamed Bachir Bouiadjra
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 318, pp.128647. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128647⟩
Full characterization of hygrothermal, mechanical and morphological properties of a recycled expanded polystyrene-based mortar
M. Maaroufi , Rafik Belarbi , K. Abahri , Ferhat Benmahiddine
Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 301, pp.124310. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124310⟩
Experimental and numerical highlighting of water vapor sorption hysteresis in the coupled heat and moisture transfers
M. Maaroufi , F. Bennai , Rafik Belarbi , K. Abahri
Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 40, pp.102321. ⟨10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102321⟩
Hydration-drying interactions in a high-volume ground granulated blast-furnace slag mortar
Akli Younsi , Rachid Cherif , Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Ameur Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aït-Mokhtar
Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 279, pp.122427. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122427⟩
Hydration-drying interactions in a high-volume ground granulated blast-furnace slag mortar
Akli Younsi , Rachid Cherif , Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aït-Mokhtar
Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 279, pp.122427. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122427⟩
Sustainable and Greener Self-Compacting Concrete incorporating Industrial By-Products: A Review
Nikita Gupta , Rafat Siddique , Rafik Belarbi
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 284, pp.124803. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124803⟩
Thermo-mechanical and physical properties of waste granular cork composite with slag cement
Salem Merabti , Said Kenai , Rafik Belarbi , Jamal Khatib
Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 272, pp.121923. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121923⟩
Experimental and numerical validation of hygrothermal transfer in brick wall
Yassine Chbani Idrissi , Rafik Belarbi , Reda Allam , M'Barek Feddaoui , Fares Bennai , Driss Agliz
Heat Transfer, 2021, ⟨10.1002/htj.22173⟩
Effect of geo-climatic conditions and pipe material on heating performance of earth-air heat exchangers
Mohammed Cherif Lekhal , Mohammed-Hichem Benzaama , Andrea Kindinis , Abderahmane-Mejedoub Mokhtari , Rafik Belarbi
Renewable Energy, 2021, 163, pp.22-40. ⟨10.1016/j.renene.2020.08.044⟩
Review on the Integration of Phase Change Materials in Building Envelopes for Passive Latent Heat Storage
Mohamed Sawadogo , Marie Duquesne , Rafik Belarbi , Ameur El Amine Hamami , Alexandre Godin
Applied Sciences, 2021, 11 (19), pp.9305. ⟨10.3390/app11199305⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Optimization Design Envelope for Building in Hot Climate Using Design of Experiment and Life Cycle Cost
Hocine Belahya , Abdelghani Boubekri , Rafik Belarbi , Romani Zaide
Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy, ATEEE 2021, Dec 2021, Qingdao, China. pp.81-86, ⟨10.1109/ATEEE54283.2021.00024⟩
Critical assessment of the moisture distribution in existing building walls
Ainagul Jumabekova , Julien Berger , Rafik Belarbi , Jean-Claude Krapez
8th International Symposium on ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL HEAT TRANSFER – CHT-21, Aug 2021, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Vers un usage du Xylitol surfondu pour le stockage d’énergie thermique saisonnier
Marie Duquesne , Cédric Le Bot , Elena Palomo del Barrio , Rafik Belarbi , Ameur Hamami , Fouzia Achchaq
Annales du Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Thermique 2020. Belfort - Thermique et Mix Énergétique, 2021, Belfort, France. ⟨10.25855/SFT2020-046⟩


Article dans une revue

Potential of using virgin cork as aggregates in development of new lightweight concrete
Ahmed Kamel Tedjditi , Fouad Ghomari , Omar Taleb , Rafik Belarbi , Rachid Tarik Bouhraoua
Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 265, pp.120734. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120734⟩
Potential of using virgin cork as aggregates in development of new lightweight concrete
Ahmed Kamel Tedjditi , Fouad Ghomari , Omar Taleb , Rafik Belarbi , Rachid Tarik Bouhraoua
Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 265, pp.120734. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120734⟩
Effect of flax shives content and size on the hygrothermal and mechanical properties of flax concrete
Ferhat Benmahiddine , Rachid Cherif , Fares Bennai , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkader Tahakourt , Kamilia Abahri
Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 262, pp.120077. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120077⟩
Fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag-based alkali-activated concrete: Mechanical, transport and microstructural properties
Ankur Mehta , Rafat Siddique , Togay Ozbakkaloglu , Faiz Uddin Ahmed Shaikh , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 257, pp.119548. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119548⟩
Utilization of treated saw dust in concrete as partial replacement of natural sand
Rafat Siddique , Malkit Singh , Sourav Mehta , Rafik Belarbi
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 261, pp.121226. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121226⟩
Contribution to the Modelling of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfers on 3D Real Structure of Heterogeneous Building Materials: Application to Hemp Concrete
Fares Bennai , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi
Transport in Porous Media, 2020, 133 (2), pp.333-356. ⟨10.1007/s11242-020-01426-9⟩
Comparative cradle to grave environmental life cycle assessment of traditional and extensive vegetative roofs: an application for the Lebanese context
Jessica Koura , Rima Manneh , Rafik Belarbi , Vanessa El Khoury , Makram El Bachawati
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2020, 25 (3), pp.423-442. ⟨10.1007/s11367-019-01700-z⟩
Experimental investigation on the influence of immersion/drying cycles on the hygrothermal and mechanical properties of hemp concrete
Ferhat Benmahiddine , Fares Bennai , Rachid Cherif , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkader Tahakourt , Kamilia Abahri
Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 32, pp.101758. ⟨10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101758⟩
The Influence of Chemical and Thermal Treatments on the Diss Fiber Hygroscopic Behaviors
Mustapha Nouri , Mahfoud Tahlaiti , Frederic Grondin , Rafik Belarbi
Journal of Natural Fibers, 2020, 19 (10), pp.3865-3878. ⟨10.1080/15440478.2020.1848733⟩
Evaluation of two earth–air heat exchangers efficiency of different pipe materials within a warm temperate climate
Mohammed Cherif Lekhal , Abderahmane Mejedoub Mokhtari , Rafik Belarbi
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2020, 307, pp.01028. ⟨10.1051/matecconf/202030701028⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Transferts de chaleur, d’air et d’humidité dans les matériaux de construction
Yassine Chbani Idrissi , Rafik Belarbi , Reda Allam , M'Barek Feddaoui , Fares Bennai , Driss Agliz
6th edition of the International Congress of Thermal Sciences AMT'2020, Dec 2020, Khouribga, Maroc
Analysis of the response of flax concrete submitted to intense hygrothermal solicitations
Alexandra Bourdot , Kamilia Abahri , Ronald Fotio Pefouo , Olivier Rateau , Rafik Belarbi
RUGC 2020, May 2020, /, France. ⟨10.26168/ajce.38.1.42⟩


Article dans une revue

Influence of hydric solicitations on the morphological behavior of hemp concrete
Fares Bennai , Chady El Hachem , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi
RILEM Technical Letters, 2019, 4, pp.16-21. ⟨10.21809/rilemtechlett.2019.80⟩
Assessment of the effects of temperature and moisture content on the hygrothermal transport and storage properties of porous building materials
M.Y. Ferroukhi , Rafik Belarbi , K. Limam , A. Si Larbi , A. Nouviaire
Heat and Mass Transfer, In press, ⟨10.1007/s00231-018-02550-5⟩
Moisture transfer modelling in polystyrene mortar with consideration of sorption hysteresis
Maroua Maaroufi , Kamilia Abahri , Fares Bennai , Rafik Belarbi
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019, 128, pp.07006. ⟨10.1051/e3sconf/201912807006⟩
Parametric simulations to evaluate the necessary thickness of the massive layer in the soil of building
M Hamdani , M Bekkouche , T Benouaz , Rafik Belarbi , M Cherier
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 214, pp.012121. ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/214/1/012121⟩
Modeling Water Adsorption and Retention of Building Materials From Pore Size Distribution
Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Zakaria Slimani , Akli Younsi , Joseph Virgone , Rafik Belarbi
Journal of Renewable Materials, 2019, 7 (6), pp.547-556. ⟨10.32604/jrm.2019.04426⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Moisture transfer modelling in polystyrene mortar with consideration of sorption hysteresis
Maroua Maaroufi , Kamilia Abahri , Fares Bennai , Rafik Belarbi
12th International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, ICCHMT 2019, 2019, Rome, Italy. pp.07006, ⟨10.1051/e3sconf/201912807006⟩


Article dans une revue

Microscopic hydric characterization of hemp concrete by X-ray microtomography and digital volume correlation
Fares Bennai , Chady El Hachem , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 188, pp.983-994. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.08.198⟩
A genetic algorithm to optimize consistency ratio in AHP method for energy performance assessment of residential buildings—Application of top-down and bottom-up approaches in Algerian case study
Fahem Moussaoui , Marzouk Cherrared , Mohand Akli Kacimi , Rafik Belarbi
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 42, pp.622-636. ⟨10.1016/j.scs.2017.08.008⟩
Hygromorphic characterization of softwood under high resolution X-ray tomography for hygrothermal simulation
Chady El Hachem , Kamilia Abahri , Jerome Vicente , Rachid Bennacer , Rafik Belarbi
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 54 (9), pp.2761-2769. ⟨10.1007/s00231-018-2311-9⟩
Thermal performance of a residential house equipped with a combined system: A direct solar floor and an earth–air heat exchanger
Mohammed Cherif Lekhal , Rafik Belarbi , Abderahmane Mejedoub Mokhtari , Mohammed-Hichem Benzaama , Rachid Bennacer
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 40, pp.534-545. ⟨10.1016/j.scs.2018.05.012⟩
Characterization of EPS lightweight concrete microstructure by X-ray tomography with consideration of thermal variations
Maroua Maaroufi , Kamilia Abahri , Chady El Hachem , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 178, pp.339-348. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.142⟩
Hygrothermal behavior for a clay brick wall
R. Allam , N. Issaadi , Rafik Belarbi , M. El-Meligy , A. Altahrany
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 54 (6), pp.1579-1591. ⟨10.1007/s00231-017-2271-5⟩
Convective and conductive thermal homogenization for non-saturated porous building materials: Application on the thermal conductivity tensor
Fares Bennai , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkader Tahakourt
Thermal Science, 2018, 22 (6 Part A), pp.2367-2378. ⟨10.2298/TSCI160330262B⟩
Characterization of EPS lightweight concrete microstructure by X-ray tomography with consideration of thermal variations
Maroua Maaroufi , Kamilia Abahri , Chady El Hachem , Rafik Belarbi
Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 178, pp.339-348. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.142⟩
Investigation of factors affecting condensation on soiled PV modules
Benjamin Figgis , Armelle Nouviaire , Yiming Wubulikasimu , Wasim Javed , Bing Guo , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Rafik Belarbi , Saïd Ahzi , Yves Rémond , Ahmed Ennaoui
Solar Energy, 2018, 159, pp.488-500. ⟨10.1016/j.solener.2017.10.089⟩
Multiscale modelling for better hygrothermal prediction of porous building materials
Rafik Belarbi , Fares Bennai , Mohammed Yacine Ferroukhi , Chady El Hachem , Kamilia Abahri
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, 149, pp.02005. ⟨10.1051/matecconf/201714902005⟩
Influence of recycled polystyrene beads on cement paste properties
Maroua Maaroufi , Akli Younsi , Rafik Belarbi , Armelle Nouviaire
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, 149, pp.01032. ⟨10.1051/matecconf/201714901032⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Strategy of the house with side windows and its role of thermal regulator in a hot-dry climate a ghardaia
Rafik Belarbi , Maamar Hamdani
18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2018, Dec 2018, Vienna, Austria


Article dans une revue

Influence of the origin of metakaolin on pozzolanic reactivity of mortars
Kamal Abdelli , Mahfoud Tahlaiti , Rafik Belarbi , Mohamed Nadjib Oudjit
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.230-235. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.201⟩
ICOME 16 Foreword
M. El Ganaoui , R. Bennacer , Rafik Belarbi
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.204-206. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.163⟩
Albedo effect of external surfaces on the energy loads and thermal comfort in buildings
Ouarda Mansouri , Rafik Belarbi , Fatiha Bourbia
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.571-577. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.255⟩
Experimental validation of a HAM-BES co-simulation approach
M-Y. Ferroukhi , Rafik Belarbi , K. Limam , W. Bosschaerts
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.517-523. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.247⟩
Green wall impacts inside and outside buildings: experimental study
Rabah Djedjig , Rafik Belarbi , Emmanuel Bozonnet
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.578 - 583. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.256⟩
The Study Natural Ventilation by Using Buildings Windows: Case Study in a Hot Dry Climate, Ghardaïa, Algeria
M. Hamdani , M. Bekkouche , T. Benouaz , Rafik Belarbi , M. Cherier
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.475-480. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.240⟩
On The Semi-Analytical Solution of Integro-Partial Differential Equations
Abdelmalek Hasseine , Menwer Attarakih , Rafik Belarbi , Hans Jörg Bart
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.358-366. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.222⟩
Hydric and structural approaches for earth based materials characterization
Boudjemaa Remki , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , Mahmoud Bensaibi
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.417-423. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.231⟩
A CFD Comsol model for simulating complex urban flow
Saddok Houda , Rafik Belarbi , Noureddine Zemmouri
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.373-378. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.224⟩
Influence of the pozzolanic reactivity of the Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) and metakaolin on mortars
Kamal Abdelli , Mahfoud Tahlaiti , Rafik Belarbi , Mohamed Nadjib Oudjit
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.224-229. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.200⟩
Experimental characterization of thermal and hygric properties of hemp concrete with consideration of the material age evolution
F. Bennai , N. Issaadi , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , A. Tahakourt
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 54 (4), pp.1189-1197. ⟨10.1007/s00231-017-2221-2⟩
Seasonal variability of temperature profiles of vegetative and traditional gravel-ballasted roofs: A case study for Lebanon
Jessica Koura , Rima Manneh , Rafik Belarbi , Vanessa El Khoury , Makram El Bachawati
Energy and Buildings, 2017, 151, pp.358-364. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.06.066⟩
Experimental study of green walls impacts on buildings in summer and winter under an oceanic climate
Rabah Djedjig , Rafik Belarbi , Emmanuel Bozonnet
Energy and Buildings, 2017, 150, pp.403 - 411. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.06.032⟩
The impact of height/width ratio on the microclimate and thermal comfort levels of urban courtyards
Chahrazed Kedissa , Saliha Outtas , Rafik Belarbi
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 2017, 7 (3-4), pp.174-183. ⟨10.1080/2093761X.2017.1302830⟩
Effect of bacteria on strength, permeation characteristics and micro-structure of silica fume concrete
Rafat Siddique , Abir Jameel , Malkit Singh , Danuta Barnat-Hunek , G. Kunal , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Rafik Belarbi , Anita Rajor
Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 142, pp.92-100. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.03.057⟩
Integration of a hygrothermal transfer model for envelope in a building energy simulation model: experimental validation of a HAM–BES co-simulation approach
M. Ferroukhi , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , K. Limam
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 53 (6), pp.1851 - 1861. ⟨10.1007/s00231-016-1944-9⟩
Thermal effects of an innovative green wall on building energy performance
R. Djedjig , M. El Ganaoui , Rafik Belarbi , R. Bennacer
Mechanics & Industry, 2017, 18 (1), pp.104. ⟨10.1051/meca/2016015⟩
Impact of coupled heat and moisture transfer effects on buildings energy consuption
Mohammed Ferroukhi , Rafik Belarbi , Karim Limam , Walter Bosschaerts
Thermal Science, 2017, 21 (3), pp.1359-1368. ⟨10.2298/TSCI150608215F⟩
Experimental assessment of the variability of concrete air permeability: repeatability, reproducibility and spatial variability
N. Issaadi , A.A. A Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , A. Aït-Mokhtar
Energy Procedia, 2017, 139, pp.537-543. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.250⟩
Experimental assessment of the spatial variability of porosity, permeability and sorption isotherms in an ordinary building concrete
N. Issaadi , A. Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 53 (10), pp.3037-3048. ⟨10.1007/s00231-017-2041-4⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Effect of Variability of Porous Media Properties on Drying Kinetics: Application to Cement-based Materials
Nabil Issaadi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Rafik Belarbi , Ameur Hamami
Advances in Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Couplings in Geo-Environmental Mechanics, Elsevier, pp.243-289, 2017, 978-008102596-3;978-178548278-6. ⟨10.1016/B978-1-78548-278-6.50008-6⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Distribution spatiale de la teneur en eau et du degré de saturation d’un voile en béton ordinaire
Nabil Issaadi , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aït-Mokhtar , Ameur Hamami
35èmes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l’AUGC, AUGC, May 2017, Nantes, France. pp.230-233, ⟨10.26168/ajce.35.1.56⟩


Article dans une revue

Real-time temperature monitoring for Traditional gravel ballasted and Extensive green roofs: A Lebanese case study
Makram El Bachawati , Rima Manneh , Rafik Belarbi , Henri El Zakhem
Energy and Buildings, 2016, 133, pp.197-205. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.09.056⟩
Modeling of static contact angles with curved boundaries using a multiphase lattice Boltzmann method with variable density and viscosity ratios
Sébastien Leclaire , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , Rachid Bennacer
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2016, 82 (8), pp.451-470. ⟨10.1002/fld.4226⟩
Cradle-to-gate Life Cycle Assessment of traditional gravel ballasted, white reflective, and vegetative roofs: A Lebanese case study
Makram El Bachawati , Rima Manneh , Rafik Belarbi , Thomas Dandres , Carla Nassab , Henri El Zakhem
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 137, pp.833-842. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.07.170⟩
Hygrothermal behavior modeling of the hygroscopic envelopes of buildings: A dynamic co-simulation approach
Mohammed Yacine Ferroukhi , Rabah Djedjig , Karim Limam , Rafik Belarbi
Building Simulation, 2016, 9 (5), pp.501 - 512. ⟨10.1007/s12273-016-0292-5⟩
Experimental validation of coupled heat, air and moisture transfer modeling in multilayer building components
M. Ferroukhi , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , K. Limam , A. Nouviaire
Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 52 (10), pp.2257 - 2269. ⟨10.1007/s00231-015-1740-y⟩
Periodic homogenization for heat, air, and moisture transfer of porous building materials
Fares Bennai , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkader Tahakourt
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B Fundamentals, 2016, 70 (5), pp.420 - 440. ⟨10.1080/10407790.2016.1230393⟩
Energy performance evaluation of direct solar floor in traditional and modern buildings
Habiba Kazeoui , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkader Tahakourt , Abdelkarim Ait-Mokhtar
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 2016, 37 (4), pp.450-467. ⟨10.1177/0143624415616371⟩
Modeling green wall interactions with street canyons for building energy simulation in urban context
Rabah Djedjig , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi
Urban Climate, 2016, 16, pp.75 - 85. ⟨10.1016/j.uclim.2015.12.003⟩
Sensitivity analyses of convective and diffusive driving potentials on combined heat air and mass transfer in hygroscopic materials
Kamilia Abahri , Rachid Bennacer , Rafik Belarbi
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 2016, 69 (10), pp.1079 - 1091. ⟨10.1080/10407782.2015.1109389⟩
Moisture transport in cementitious materials. Periodic homogenization and numerical analysis
Walid Mchirgui , Olivier Millet , Ouali Amiri , Rafik Belarbi
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2016, 21 (7-8), pp.1026-1042. ⟨10.1080/19648189.2016.1194331⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Intrinsic properties controlling the sustainability of construction
Rachid Bennacer , Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi
Elsevier. Sustainability of Construction Materials (second edition), 2016, ⟨10.1016/B978-0-08-100370-1.00003-2⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Study on effects of window with an external shutters for natural ventilation for buildings in hot climates
M. Hamdani , M. Bekkouche , M. Cherier , T. Benouaz , Rafik Belarbi
2016 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), Nov 2016, Marrakech, France. pp.780-784


Article dans une revue

Unstable two-phase flow rate in micro-channels and cracks under imposed pressure difference
Giuseppe Rastiello , Sébastien Leclaire , Rafik Belarbi , Rachid Bennacer
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2015, 77, pp.131 - 141. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2015.08.009⟩
Dynamic control and advanced load management of a stand-alone hybrid renewable power system for remote housing
Tareq Alnejaili , Said Drid , Driss Mehdi , Larbi Chrifi-Alaoui , Rafik Belarbi , Aziz Hamdouni
Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 105, pp.377-392. ⟨10.1016/j.enconman.2015.07.080⟩
Effect of Coupled Heat, Air and Moisture Transfers Modeling in the Wall on the Hygrothermal Behavior of Buildings
M.Y. Ferroukhi , Rabah Djedjig , Rafik Belarbi , K. Limam , K. Abahri
Energy Procedia, 2015, 78, pp.2584 - 2589. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.293⟩
Experimental study of the urban microclimate mitigation potential of green roofs and green walls in street canyons
Rabah Djedjig , E. Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2015, 10 (1), pp.34 - 44. ⟨10.1093/ijlct/ctt019⟩
Analysis of thermal effects of vegetated envelopes: Integration of a validated model in a building energy simulation program
Rabah Djedjig , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi
Energy and Buildings, 2015, 86, pp.93-103. ⟨10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.09.057⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Moisture Transfers in Porous Construction Materials: Mechanisms and Applications
Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Olivier Millet , Rafik Belarbi , Kamilia Abahri , Abdelkrim Trabelsi
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Structure Design and Degradation Mechanisms in Coastal Environments, pp.41-116, 2015, Structure Design and Degradation Mechanisms in Coastal Environments, ⟨10.1002/9781119006046.ch2⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Use of the buffering capacity of the building envelope for the reduction of the rate of air exchange
Zakaria Slimani , Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Joseph Virgone , Rafik Belarbi , Rabah Djedjig
Energy Procedia, 6th International Building Physics Conference, Turin, IBPC 2015, Politecnico di Torino, Jun 2015, Turin, Italy. ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.183⟩
Caractérisation macro-hydriques des matériaux biosourcés
Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , Chady El Hachem
Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, May 2015, Bayonne, France
Thermal and hydrological modeling of green roofs: application to stormwater management assessment
Rabah Djedjig , Rafik Belarbi , Mohammed El Ganaoui
1st International Conference on Bio-based Building Materials, 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, France


Chapitre d'ouvrage

Impacts sur la consommation énergétique et le confort dans les bâtiments
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Rabah Djedjig , Adrien Gros , Laurent Malys , Christian Inard , Marjorie Musy
Une ville verte-Les rôles du végétal en ville, Quae éditions, pp.67-84, 2014, 978-2-7592-2171-4

Communication dans un congrès

Impact of vegetation on urban climate, thermal comfort and building energy consumption – Overview of VegDUD project results
Marjorie Musy , Laurent Malys , Benjamin Morille , Agota Szucs , Christian Inard , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rabah Djedjig , Rafik Belarbi , Aude Lemonsu , Cécile de Munck , Katia Chancibault
IC2UHI, Oct 2014, Venise, Italy. pp.719-730
A hygrothermal model of green walls interactions in street canyons – numerical development and experimental comparison
Rabah Djedjig , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi
IC2UHI, Oct 2014, Venise, Italy. pp.1540-1551
Vers une méthode de conception HYGRO-thermique des BATiments performants : démarche du projet HYGRO-BAT
Monika Woloszyn , Nolwenn Le Pierrès , Yannick Kedowidé , Joseph Virgone , Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Zakaria Slimani , Eric Mougel , Romain Reymond , Helisoa Rafidiarison , Patrick Perre , Floran Pierre , Rafik Belarbi , Nabil Nabil Issaadi , Kamilia Abahri, , Timea Bejat , Amandine Piot , Étienne Wurtz , Thierry Duforestel , Mathilde Colmet-Daage , Bernard Perrin , Marie Coutand , Oly Vololonirina , Claude Pompeo , Wahbi Wahbi Jomaa , Jean-Sébastien Lauffer , Philippe Thiriet , Robert Diss , Nadia Rémond , Olivier Legrand
IBPSA France 2014, May 2014, Arras, France. pp.8


Article dans une revue

Total Pressure Gradient Incidence on Hygrothermal Transfer in Highly Porous Building Materials
Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , N. Oudjehani , N. Issaadi , M. Ferroukhi
Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 772, pp.124 - 129. ⟨10.4028/⟩
Evaluation of Earth-Air Heat Exchangers Efficiency in Hot and Dry Climates
N. Oudjehani , Kamilia Abahri , A. Tahakourt , Rafik Belarbi
Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 739, pp.318 - 324. ⟨10.4028/⟩
Reply on the comments regarding the paper “Assessment of temperature gradient effects on moisture transfer through thermogradient coefficient”
Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , Kamilia Abahri , Menghao Qin
Building Simulation, 2013, 6 (1), pp.109 - 110. ⟨10.1007/s12273-013-0100-4⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Integration of a green envelope model in a transient building simulation program and experimental comparison
Rabah Djedjig , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi
13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Aug 2013, Chambéry, France. pp.49-55
Experimental Study of a Green Wall System Effects in Urban Canyon Scene
Rabah Djedjig , Rafik Belarbi , Emmanuel Bozonnet
11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, Jun 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.3086-3094


Article dans une revue

Characterization of green roof components: Measurements of thermal and hydrological properties
Rabah Djedjig , Salah-Eddine Ouldboukhitine , Rafik Belarbi
Building and Environment, 2012, 56, pp.78 - 85. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2012.02.024⟩
Development and validation of a coupled heat and mass transfer model for green roofs
Rabah Djedjig , Salah-Eddine Ouldboukhitine , Rafik Belarbi , Emmanuel Bozonnet
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 39 (6), pp.752 - 761. ⟨10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2012.03.024⟩
Assessment of temperature gradient effects on moisture transfer through thermogradient coefficient
A. Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , K. Abahri , M. Qin
Building Simulation, 2012, 5, pp.107-115. ⟨10.1007/s12273-012-0063-x⟩
Assessment of the variability of moisture transfer properties of High Performance Concrete from a multistage drying experiment
A. Trabelsi , A. Hamami , Rafik Belarbi , Ph Turcry , A. Aït- Mokhtar
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2012, 16 (3-4), pp.352-361. ⟨10.1080/19648189.2012.667713⟩


Article dans une revue

Assessment of green roof thermal behavior: a coupled heat and mass transfer model
Salah-Eddine Ouldboukhitine , Rafik Belarbi , Issa Jaffal , Abdelkrim Trabelsi
Building and Environment, 2011, 46 (12), pp.2624-2631
Contribution to analytical and numerical study of combined heat and moisture transfers in porous building materials
Kamilia Abahri , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkrim Trabelsi
Building and Environment, 2011, 46 (7), pp.1354-1360
Water vapour desorption variability of in situ concrete and effects on drying simulations
A. Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , R. Belarbi , Ph Turcry , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2011, 63 (5), pp.333-342. ⟨10.1680/macr.9.00161⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Roof design and skylights effects on the energy performance and comfort of low energy industrial buildings
Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Patrick Salagnac , Rafik Belarbi , Rémi Perrin
ISES Solar World Congress, 2011, Kassel, Germany
Caractérisation expérimentale de propriétés radiatives de revêtements en toiture : Application à un bâtiment industriel
Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Patrick Salagnac , Rafik Belarbi , Rémi Perrin
Energie Solaire et Thermique, 2011, Perpignan, France. pp.661-666


Article dans une revue

Two-dimensional hygrothermal transfer in porous building materials
Menghao Qin , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Rafik Belarbi
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30 (16), pp.2555-2562
Simulation of whole building coupled hygrothermal-airflow transfer in different climates
Menghao Qin , Georges Walton , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, 52 (2), pp.1470-1478

Communication dans un congrès

Numerical modeling of a component of a green roof conditioned buildings
S. Ould-Boukhitine , Rafik Belarbi , A. Trabelsi , B. Remki
CLIMA 2010 World Conference, May 2010, Antalya, Turkey. pp.486 R8-TS32-PP03
Étude de l’impact des ouvrants en toiture sur les performances énergétiques de bâtiments industriels
Abdelkrim Trabelsi , Emmanuel Bozonnet , Patrick Salagnac , Rafik Belarbi , Rémi Perrin
IBPSA, 2010, Moret-sur-Loing, France


Article dans une revue

Simulation of coupled heat and moisture transfer in air-conditioned buildings
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Francis Allard
Automation in Construction, 2009, 18, pp.624-631
Air Distribution Simulation in Interior Street Canyon in the Case Microclimate of South West Algeria
Abdelkrim Missoum , Abdelkader Slimani , Rachid Khelfaoui , Naïma Fezzioui , Rafik Belarbi
International Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2009, 3 (2), pp.258-264
Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer in Multi-layer Building Materials
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Lars-Olof Nilsson
Construction and Building Material, 2009, 23, pp.967-975

Communication dans un congrès

Caractérisation de la variabilité du comportement hydrique d'un béton de hautes performances
A. Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , Ph Turcry , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
Congrès de l'AUGC09, Jun 2009, Saint-Malo, France
Transferts couplés de chaleur et d'humidité dans les bâtiments climatisés
A. Trabelsi , Rafik Belarbi , M. Qin
Congrès SFT09, May 2009, Vannes, France


Article dans une revue

Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Nonisothermal Transfer in Hygroscopic Building Materials
Rafik Belarbi , Menghao Qin , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Nilsson Lars Olof
Building and Environment, 2008, 43 (12), pp.2154- 2162
Nonisothermal Moisture Transport in Hygroscopic Building Materials: Modeling for the Determination of Moisture Transport Coefficients
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Lars Olof Nilsson
Transport in Porous Media, 2008, 72 (N°2), pp.255-271
Simultaneous Heat and Moisture Transport in Porous Building Materials: Evaluation of Nonisothermal Moisture
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Lars-Olof Nilsson
Transport Properties, Journal of Materials Science, 2008, 43 (10), pp.3655-3663
Air Circulation Simulation of Urban Micloclimate Interaction with Building in the Case Canyon Street in South West Algeria
A. Missoum , B. Draoui , A. Slimani , R. Khelfaoui , Rafik Belarbi
ICHMT, 2008, 13 (1), pp.184-187
Coupled utilization of solar energy and local materials in buildings
H. Kazeoui , A. Tahakourt , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Rafik Belarbi
International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology, 2008, 6, pp.53-60


Article dans une revue

Thermal Behaviour of buildings: modelling the impact of urban heat island
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2007, 14 (Sup.), pp.19-22
Modeling of simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in air-conditioned buildings
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2007, 14 (sup.), pp.72-76


Article dans une revue

Étude de la demande energétique de climatisation pour une construction urbaine de type mediterranéenne
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Tecnología y Construcción, 2006, 22 (3), p.27-34. ISSN 0798-9601
Development of simplified approach to model the moisture transfer of building materials
Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Menghao Qin , O. Omikrine
Revue Européenne de Génie Civil, 2006, 10 (9), pp.1033-1048
An analytical method to calculate the coupled heat and moisture transfer in building materials
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , A. Seigneurin
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2006, 33 (1), pp.39-48
Modeling of water spray evaporation: Application to passive cooling of buildings
Rafik Belarbi , Cristian Ghiaus , Francis Allard
Solar Energy, 2006, 80 (n.a.), pp.1540-1552

Communication dans un congrès

Modélisation couplée des transferts thermoaérauliques à l'échelle d'une rue
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
IBPSA, Nov 2006, France. pp.n.a
étude de la demande énergétique de climatisation pour une construction urbaine de type méditerranéenne
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
CLIMAMED 2006 - 3rd Mediterranean Congress of HVAC Engineering, Nov 2006, France. pp.247-255
Modelling air flows around buildings in urban environment
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings (EPEQUB2006), Jul 2006, France. pp.n.a
Transfer Function Method to Calculate Simultaneous Heat and Moisture Transfer in Porous Building Materials
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
IEA Annex 41 MOIST-ENG, Working meeting, Apr 2006, France. pp.n.a
Modeling of Moisture Transport in Porous Building Materials by Gravimetric Sorption-desportion Tests
Rafik Belarbi , Menghao Qin , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
IEA Annex 41 MOIST-ENG, Working meeting, Apr 2006, France. pp.n.a
Coupled heat and moisture transfer in residential air-conditioned buildings
Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
EPIC 2006 AIVC, 2006, France. pp.n.a
Simulation of the coupled heat and moisture transfer in air-conditioned buildings
Rafik Belarbi , Menghao Qin , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
7th Symposium of the International Energy Agency Annex 41, 2006, France. pp.n.a
Modélisation simplifiée des transferts hydriques dans les matériaux de construction
Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Menghao Qin , O. Omikrine
TRANSFERT 2006, Lille, France, 2006, France. pp.n.a


Article dans une revue

Modelling solar effects on the heat and mass transfer in a street
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Solar Energy, 2005, 79 (1), pp.10-24. ⟨10.1016/J.SOLENER.2004.10.007⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Modélisation thermo-aéraulique d'une rue de type canyon soumise au phénomène couplé de l'ensoleillement et du vent
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Réhabilitation des constructions et Développement durable, May 2005, France. pp.257-265
A Proposed Method for Determining the Drying Kinetics in Concrete
Menghao Qin , O. Omikrine Metalssi , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
Concreep 7, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2005, France. pp.83-88
Etude des transferts d'humidité dans les matériaux poreux
O. Omikrine Metalssi , Menghao Qin , Rafik Belarbi , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar
7e Congrès de Mécanique, 2005, France. pp.11-13


Communication dans un congrès

Passive Cooling Applications in the North of Morocco. An important Tools for the Development of the Aviculture Sector
M. Ahachad , Rafik Belarbi , A. Draoui , Francis Allard
International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Dec 2004, France. pp.n.a


Article dans une revue

Numerical analysis of hybrid ventilation performance depending on climate characteristics
F. Cron , Christian Inard , Rafik Belarbi
International journal of ventilation , 2003, 1 (n.a.), pp.41-52

Communication dans un congrès

Linear discriminant analysis applied to forecast ozone concentration classes in sea-breeze regime
Christian Ghiaus , F. Ca\"\ini , Rafik Belarbi
ICUC5 5th Intl. Conference on Urban Climate, Sep 2003, France. pp.n.a
Evaluation théorique et expérimentale de la performance des systèmes d'évaporation dans un bâtiment équipé d'un patio
Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Journées Internationales de Thermique, Jun 2003, France. pp.321-328
Impact du micro-climat urbain sur les bâtiments: Circulation d'air et évaluation du rayonnement solaire à l'échelle d'une rue
Emmanuel Bozonnet , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
XXIème Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, Jun 2003, France. pp.135-142


Article dans une revue

Optimal settings of residential oil burners
C. Ghiaus , Rafik Belarbi , F. Allard
Energy and Buildings, 2002, 34 (1), pp.83-90. ⟨10.1016/S0378-7788(01)00082-2⟩

Communication dans un congrès

Passive ventilation cooling in urban buildings: an estimation of potential environmental impact and benefits
M. Kolokotroni , R. Watkins , M. Santamouris , K. Nichou , Francis Allard , Rafik Belarbi , Christian Ghiaus , S. Alvarez , J. M. Salmeron-Lissen
EPIC 2002, AIVC Conference Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities, Oct 2002, France. pp.531-536
Passive Cooling Systems for Buildings. Potential of use within Venezuela's Climatic Zones
M. Hobaica , Francis Allard , Rafik Belarbi
Energy Efficient1 Healthy Buildings in Sustainable Cities Congress, Oct 2002, France. pp.n.a
Simulation thermo-aéraulique du microclimat urbain à l'échelle d'une rue de type canyon
Emmanuel Bozonnet , E. Wurtz , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Congrès IBPSA France, Oct 2002, France. pp.n.a
Methodology of Evaluation of Natural Ventilation Potential
Christian Ghiaus , Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Forum International sur les Energies Renouvelables (FIER), May 2002, France. pp.n.a
Etude de faisabilité des systèmes passifs de rafra\^\ichissement
Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Forum International sur les Energies Renouvelables (FIER), May 2002, France. pp.n.a
Utilisation couplée de l'énergie solaire et des matériaux locaux dans le bâtiment
H. Kazeoui , A. Tahakourt , Abdelkarim Aît-Mokhtar , Rafik Belarbi
Forum International sur les Energies Renouvelables (FIER), May 2002, France. pp.n.a


Article dans une revue

Approche d'évaluation du potentiel des systèmes passifs de rafra\^\ichissement
Rafik Belarbi , Christian Ghiaus , Francis Allard
Annales du Bâtiment et des travaux publics, 2001, 6 (n.a.), pp.n.a
Development of feasibility approaches for studying the behavior of passive cooling systems in buildings
Rafik Belarbi , Francis Allard
Renewable Energy, 2001, 22 (n.a.), pp.507-524
Los sistemas pasivos de refrescamiento de edificaciones en clima tropical humedo. Posibilidades de aplicacion en Venezuela
M.E. Hobaica , Rafik Belarbi , L. Rosales
Tecnología y Construcción, 2001, 17 (1), pp.57-68

Communication dans un congrès

Optimal Settings of Reseidential Oil Burners by Using Response Surface Methodology
Christian Ghiaus , Francis Allard , Rafik Belarbi
7th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2000, Sep 2001, France. pp.217-225
Optimisation du point de fonctionnement d'un brûleur à l'aide de la méthode des surfaces de réponse
Christian Ghiaus , Francis Allard , Rafik Belarbi
Vème Colloque Inter universitaire Franco-Québécois, May 2001, France. pp.389-395


Article dans une revue

Systèmes efficaces de ventilation pour le bâtiment : développement d'un logiciel d'aide à la décision
Rafik Belarbi , Christian Inard , E. Rutman , E. Maldonado
Revue de l'AICVF, 2000, n.a. (5), pp.32-37

Communication dans un congrès

Tratamiento termico de la edificacion en el tropico ecuatorial hacia la reduccion del gasto energetico
Francis Allard , M.E. Hobaica , Rafik Belarbi
COTEDI 2000, Jun 2000, France. pp.n.a